Dpto. Ciencias de la Educación

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10637/10420

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    Cuentoterapia : cuidado emocional de niños hospitalizados2022-09-29

    El hecho de que un niño enferme supone una pérdida ocasional o permanente del bienestar físico, mental y social en su vida, y esto acarrea otros factores que suponen una debilidad emocional y de desajuste académico. El objetivo principal de este artículo es presentar la Cuentoterapia como recurso dentro de las Unidades Pedagógicas Hospitalarias, con la finalidad de paliar el desajuste pedagógico y emocional que supone una hospitalización para los discentes hospitalizados comprendidos en las edades de la etapa escolar de Educación Infantil. Trabajando mediante la Cuentoterapia dentro de estas aulas resultará una labor pedagógica y terapéutica, puesto que, en el cuento como recurso en Educación Infantil, favorece el desarrollo pedagógico del discente y mitiga el desorden emocional que puede acarrearles la enfermedad y por consecuencia la hospitalización.

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    Taxonomy and labeling of errors in the use of Spanish as a foreign language2022-06-15

    In recent decades, a growing interest in learning Spanish as a foreign language has grown. The impact of socioeconomic and sociocultural events on Spanish society (internationalization of the Spanish economy, opening of Cervantes Institute, Erasmus students, linguistic tourism, and an increased interest in Spanish culture) has led to new lines of research derived from the teaching of Spanish as foreign language. The article we present tries to serve as a guide for teachers to be able to diagnose, classify and solve the characteristic problems of learners of Spanish. The phonetic, morphological, lexical, grammatical and pragmatic peculiarities of their mother tongue interfere and hinder the process of learning Spanish. The research is oriented in its different stages to collect, analyze and provide results from written compositions in students’ blogs. Specifically, the research aims at the design of a methodology based on the principles of corpus linguistics in its different stages, from the corpus compilation, its labeling (identification and classification of mistakes) and note taking until the extraction of the results. The main result is the creation of a taxonomy and its labeling subdivided into four major subsections: lexical, grammatical, discursive and graphical errors.

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    "Assassin's Creed" para el aprendizaje de la Geografía e Historia en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria2021-12-13

    El objetivo de esta comunicación ha sido realizar una propuesta para implementar el videojuego de la saga de Assassin’s Creed en la asignatura de Geografía e Historia. Teniendo en cuenta los beneficios de los videojuegos lúdicos en lo referente a la motivación y participación del alumnado en su proceso de aprendizaje, así como a la posibilidad que proporcionan como elemento inclusivo, se ha considerado oportuno tratar el tema del aprendizaje basado en el juego. A pesar de que no es un concepto reciente en el ámbito educativo, las nuevas herramientas digitales y el perfil del nuevo alumnado favorecen la presencia de contenidos gamificados en las diversas asignaturas el currículo. Es más, la creciente tendencia al juego cooperativo, ya sea de manera presencial ya sea en línea, puede favorecer la implementación de este recurso frente al juego educativo tradicional, con menos carga motivacional debido a los contenidos tal vez demasiado esperables a ojos del alumnado.

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    Analysis of graphic errors in the written productions of students of Spanish as a foreign language2021-12-13

    The fundamental focus of this research is the observation and analysis of the most frequent graphic errors in the learning of Spanish as a foreign language by students in a formal context, the classroom, and from a corpus of written language. The first global analysis of the study allowed us to observe which errors are the most common, as well as their frequency. The graphic errors are those that refer to punctuation and other signs, tildes, separation and union of words, alteration of the order of the letters, confusion of phonemes, omission of letters, addition of letters, confusion of graphemes for the same phoneme, graphemes and non-Castilian, capital letters. The descriptive study carried out will allow us to present first a quantitative analysis (with figures and percentages) of all the graphic errors observed, as well as some representative qualitative examples. This analysis has allowed us to ascertain which values are the most affected. We have carried out an error analysis based on grammatical category, this being a type of taxonomy that clearly demonstrates the linguistic competence of the student.