Dpto. Ciencias de la Educación

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10637/10420

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    La mejora de las competencias a través de la comparación de la inclusión y equidad en las escuelas de México y España2024-09-11

    Introducción: Nuestro trabajo muestra, una investigación cualitativa, a través de una experiencia educativa universitaria, analizando el estado de la inclusión y la equidad en España y México. Metodología: El objetivo fue determinar las barreras de aprendizaje y participación (BAP) y mejorar las competencias de estudiantes de Educación. Se desarrolló un análisis cualitativo documental de información inclusiva y equitativa de México y España y grupos de discusión de expertos. Los participantes fueron una muestra no aleatoria de 72 estudiantes de Educación de la universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera y Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM), y 12 docentes de Infantil y Primaria. Resultados: Existen diferencias leves entre las BAP para la inclusión y equidad en España y México, existiendo todavía en los centros educativos. Se determina que el nivel de formación didáctica y aplicación práctica en el aula no responde a las BAP, pero se trabaja por reducirlas por medio de nuevas políticas y recursos. Discusión: Se consigue los objetivos, mostrando cómo las BAP para la inclusión y equidad requieren de una respuesta global, que garantice las mismas oportunidades a todas las personas. Conclusiones: Se incluyen propuestas de mejora y se establece la necesidad de la pedagogía diferencial para la eliminación de las BAP.

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    La libertad en los nuevos entornos educativos: competencia tecnológica y educación integral2022

    Con el acceso universal a la tecnología, los sistemas educativos se han visto obligados a diseñar programas específicos para desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para un correcto uso dentro y fuera de las aulas. El alumnado vive inmerso en tecnología y el desarrollo pleno de una competencia digital completa toma protagonismo. El nuevo paradigma tecnológico contempla el concepto de identidad digital, vinculado a los usos comunicativos y sociales de los individuos, tanto en el ámbito personal como profesional. Tecnología y persona no son elementos antagónicos. Más allá del dominio de la tecnología y la información, se plantea la necesidad de aunar elementos fundamentales en la educación tales como la ética y la moral, imprescindibles en la nueva Sociedad de la Información para alcanzar la verdadera libertad, el desarrollo espiritual del individuo mediante itinerarios curriculares adecuados. La competencia digital se presenta como medio idóneo para alcanzar otras competencias esenciales de cara a su desarrollo como individuo único plenamente integrado en una sociedad.

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    The influence of sport-specific factors on sleep quality in young elite athletes: a comparative study2024-07-04

    Sleep is a crucial physiological process that promotes human health and well-being. Physical activity and sports participation are known to improve sleep quality in adolescents. The objective was to investigate how the characteristics of different sports affected this relationship in elite athletes. This cross-sectional study analyzed data from 1,831 young Spanish elite athletes (1,059 males and 772 females) from 11 to 20 years old who self-reported their sleep quality using the Pittsburgh Questionnaire and provided information on their sports practice. Technical sports reported significantly better sleep quality than team sports (p=.004, d =- 0.39, small). Additionally, individual competition sports reported better sleep quality than team competition sports (p=.033, d=-0.15, trivial). Differences by the type of metabolism were not statistically significant. Better sleep quality was reported in outdoors training environment sports compared to indoors training environment sports (p=.023, d=-0.11, trivial). The type of sports practiced may influence sleep quality in adolescents and highlights the importance of considering sport characteristics when promoting sleep health. Further research is necessary to explore the underlying mechanisms and to validate these findings across different age groups and populations.

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    Possession or position games: what is the key in soccer?2024

    The aims of this study were to compare the running performance of possession and position games and to describe the external load of the same position game played on pitches of different dimensions. Using a GPS system (WIMU Pro, RealTrack Systems, Almería, Spain), the running demands of 25 professional soccer players were monitored during 18 possession (without a standardized role position) and 18 positional (with a specific role position) games of 9 vs. 9 + 2 floaters. Each format was developed in small (< 60 m2 per payer), medium (60–90 m2 per player) and large (> 90 m2 per player) sizes. Position games obtained significantly lower distance covered, peak speed and player load values than possession games (all p < 0.05). However, position games obtained significantly higher values of maximal acceleration, maximal deceleration, accelerations higher than 3 m·s−2 and decelerations lower than -3 m·s−2 than possession games (all p < 0.05). Likewise, large position games obtained significantly higher values of distance covered, distance covered > 21 km·h−1, peak speed and player load than small and medium sizes. Large size also showed significantly higher values of maximal acceleration and deceleration than small size, significantly fewer accelerations and decelerations, and fewer accelerations lower than 3 m·s−2 and decelerations higher than -3 m·s−2 compared to medium and small size (all p < 0.05). Practitioners should keep in mind the use of these games and their size to modify the external load of the players during their training.

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    Forestalling bullying in Primary and Secondary schools in Spain2023-02

    Bullying refers to degrading actions, recurring and prolonged, exerted by minors on an equal. Physical or virtual assaults and insults, rejections or intimidations that hinder the victims’ school activity and cause them to feel continually threatened are examples of bullying and cyberbullying, which have serious repercussions, not only on the emotional well-being and academic performance, but also on physical and mental health. It is necessary to build a citizenship engaged to education (Global Citizenship Education) to prevent bullying, and to work in other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The solutions must involve families and teachers, particularly in the context of regulated education, where participation can be promoted in a more planned and controlled way. Expert approaches insist on the relevance of the school to prevent aggression and discrimination through critical and reflective attitudes towards the violence that surrounds these situations. It is about teaching students to reject them abinitio as inappropriate. The aim of this paper is to identify the characteristics of the interventions aimed at the prevention and detection of physical and psychological violence among school children in various settings and populations, specifically in Spain, as well as their results and controversial aspects.

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    A new database of the analysis of the physiological needs in amateur female basketball during official matches2023-12-01

    The PHYAFB database is a valuable resource for studying the physiological demands of female amateur basketball players during high-stress official games. It contains heart rate data from ten players aged 18 to 26, collected during ten crucial relegation phase matches, with 348,232 HR samples in CSV and Excel formats for easy access and analysis. The database includes Python source code for initial examination. The primary aim of the PHYAFB database is to provide a useful reference for other teams facing similar situations. Furthermore, the database represents a unique and valuable resource for sports scientists, coaches, and trainers seeking to comprehend the physiological demands of female basketball players during official competitions. Through the analysis of heart rate data, coaches and trainers can identify the intensity and duration of physical activity during games, enabling the development of more effective training programs. Additionally, the database can be used to compare the physiological demands placed on male and female basketball players or to investigate the impact of different game strategies on player performance.

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    Premisas para el análisis de los valores liberadores en las leyes de educación2022-01-28

    La actual Ley Orgánica 3/2020, de 29 de diciembre, por la que se modifica la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación (LOMLOE) ha supuesto un debate crítico en nuestro país, que alude a ciertas limitaciones en la libertad. Este artículo pretende establecer y discutir las premisas sobre las cuales poder realizar un análisis del concepto de la libertad y las oportunidades para su ejercicio contenidos tanto en la LOMLOE como en cualquier marco normativo educativo. El objetivo es concretar y discutir sobre los valores liberadores que, según la legislación educativa, alcanzará el alumnado a su paso por las diversas enseñanzas del sistema educativo. Para ello, la metodología propuesta es la del análisis de contenido axiológico. Los valores resultantes se presentan agrupados en: autonomía personal, esfuerzo, hábitos y disciplina, criterio propio, elección y decisión, autonomía pedagógica, organizativa y de gestión y sociedad libre. Constituyen el ejercicio responsable de la libertad, que exige un largo proceso formativo que las leyes educativas han de garantizar.

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    Cuentoterapia : cuidado emocional de niños hospitalizados2022-09-29

    El hecho de que un niño enferme supone una pérdida ocasional o permanente del bienestar físico, mental y social en su vida, y esto acarrea otros factores que suponen una debilidad emocional y de desajuste académico. El objetivo principal de este artículo es presentar la Cuentoterapia como recurso dentro de las Unidades Pedagógicas Hospitalarias, con la finalidad de paliar el desajuste pedagógico y emocional que supone una hospitalización para los discentes hospitalizados comprendidos en las edades de la etapa escolar de Educación Infantil. Trabajando mediante la Cuentoterapia dentro de estas aulas resultará una labor pedagógica y terapéutica, puesto que, en el cuento como recurso en Educación Infantil, favorece el desarrollo pedagógico del discente y mitiga el desorden emocional que puede acarrearles la enfermedad y por consecuencia la hospitalización.

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    Taxonomy and labeling of errors in the use of Spanish as a foreign language2022-06-15

    In recent decades, a growing interest in learning Spanish as a foreign language has grown. The impact of socioeconomic and sociocultural events on Spanish society (internationalization of the Spanish economy, opening of Cervantes Institute, Erasmus students, linguistic tourism, and an increased interest in Spanish culture) has led to new lines of research derived from the teaching of Spanish as foreign language. The article we present tries to serve as a guide for teachers to be able to diagnose, classify and solve the characteristic problems of learners of Spanish. The phonetic, morphological, lexical, grammatical and pragmatic peculiarities of their mother tongue interfere and hinder the process of learning Spanish. The research is oriented in its different stages to collect, analyze and provide results from written compositions in students’ blogs. Specifically, the research aims at the design of a methodology based on the principles of corpus linguistics in its different stages, from the corpus compilation, its labeling (identification and classification of mistakes) and note taking until the extraction of the results. The main result is the creation of a taxonomy and its labeling subdivided into four major subsections: lexical, grammatical, discursive and graphical errors.