Browsing by Author "Maïga, Hamidou"
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- Assessment of a novel adult mass-rearing cage for Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and Anopheles arabiensis (Patton)
2020-11-13 Successful implementation of the sterile insect technique (SIT) against Aedes albopictus and Anopheles arabiensis relies on a continuous supply of sterilemales. Tomeet this requirement, optimization of the mass-rearing techniques is needed. This study, therefore, aims to assess a new mass-rearing cage (MRC) in terms of egg production efficiency and egg hatch rate (quality). In addition, adult survival was evaluated based on a cage adult-index for Ae. albopictus. Moreover, the cage’s suitability for use in mass An. arabiensis egg production was compared to that of the FAO/IAEA Anopheles reference cage. In Ae. albopictus rearing, the new MRC produced 1,112,110 eggs per cage following six blood meals, with minimum loss of eggs in the egging water. Furthermore, the adult index gave a good proxy of daily mortality rates in Ae. albopictus. In An. arabiensis rearing, about 130,000 eggs per egg batch were collected both from the new and the reference MRC. These findings suggest that the new MRC prototype is efficient in terms of egg production and can be used for mass-rearing in SIT programs targeting Ae. albopictus as well as An. arabiensis. The adult index was also positively validated for the detection of unusual mortality rates in Ae. albopictus mass-rearing facilities. Overall, the new MRC has shown several advantages; however, further improvements are necessary to minimize escapes during the egg collection processes.
- Reducing the cost and assessing the performance of a novel adult mass-rearing cage for the dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever and Zika vector, Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus).
2019-09-25 Introduction: The widespread emergence of resistance to insecticides used to control adult Aedes mosquitoes has made traditional control strategies inadequate for the reduction of various vector populations. Therefore, complementary vector control methods, such as the Sterile Insect Technique, are needed to enhance existing efforts. The technique relies on the rearing and release of large numbers of sterile males, and the development of efficient and standardized mass-rearing procedures and tools is essential for its application against medically important mosquitoes. Methods: In the effort to reduce the cost of the rearing process, a prototype low-cost plexiglass massrearing cage has been developed and tested for egg production and egg hatch rate in comparison to the current Food and Agriculture Organization/International Atomic Energy Agency (FAO/IAEA) stainless-steel cage. Additionally, an adult-index was validated and used as a proxy to estimate the mosquito survival rates by counting the number of male and female mosquitoes that were resting within each of the 6 squares at a given point of time each day in the cage. Results: The study has shown that the prototype mass-rearing cage is cheap and is as efficient as the FAO/IAEA stainless-steel cage in terms of egg production, with even better overall egg hatch rate. The mean numbers of eggs per cage, after seven cycles of blood feeding and egg collection, were 969,789 ± 138,101 and 779,970 ± 123,042, corresponding to 81 ± 11 and 65 ± 10 eggs per female over her lifespan, in the prototype and the stainless-steelmass-rearing cages, respectively. The longevity of adult male and female mosquitoes was not affected by cage type and, the adult-index could be considered as an appropriate proxy for survival. Moreover, the mass-rearing cage prototype is easy to handle and transport and improves economic and logistic efficiency. Conclusion: The low-cost mass-rearing prototype cage can be recommended to produce Ae. aegypti in the context of rear and release techniques. The proposed adult-index can be used as a quick proxy of mosquito survival rates in mass-rearing settings.
- Standardization of the FAO-IAEA flight test for quality control of sterile mosquitoes
2022-07-18 Successful implementation of the sterile insect technique (SIT) against Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus relies on maintaining a consistent release of high-quality sterile males. Affordable, rapid, practical quality control tools based on the male’s flight ability (ability to escape from a flight device) may contribute to meeting this requirement. Therefore, this study aims to standardize the use of the original FAO/IAEA rapid quality control flight test device (FTD) (version 1.0), while improving handling conditions and reducing the device’s overall cost by assessing factors that could impact the subsequent flight ability of Aedes mosquitoes. The new FTD (version 1.1) is easier to use. The most important factors affecting escape rates were found to be tube color (or “shade”), the combined use of a lure and fan, mosquito species, and mosquito age and density (25; 50; 75; 100 males). Other factors measured but found to be less important were the duration of the test (30, 60, 90, 120min), fan speed (normal 3000 rpm vs. high 6000 rpm), and mosquito strain origin. In addition, a cheaper version of the FTD (version 2.0) that holds eight individual tubes instead of 40 was designed and successfully validated against the new FTD (version 1.1). It was sensitive enough to distinguish between the effects of cold stress and high irradiation dose. Therefore, the eight-tube FTD may be used to assess Aedes’ flight ability. This study demonstrated that the new designs (versions 1.1 and 2.0) of the FTD could be used for standard routine quality assessments of Aedes mosquitoes required for an SIT and other male release-based programs.