388 | nº 27, pp. 387-418 | doxa.comunicación
July-December of 2018
Corporate social responsibility in undergraduate communication studies
ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978
1. Introduction. Social responsibility in universities.
An organisation can be considered to be socially responsible provided the needs, concerns and interests of the social groups with whom decision-making processes, strategic planning and policy, management, procedures, behaviour and communication are all taken into account. Consequences must be taken on board, both current and future, dealing with people and groups directly involved with the organization’s activities, or with those from an outside connection, not part of the organization. They are seen to be affected in the short, medium or long-term; directly or indirectly (García Nieto, 2012: 94).
Social responsibility is an intelligent and ethical management of the impact of an organization on its human, social and natural surroundings. Ethical Management: All those potentially affected by an organization’s activity should obtain the greatest benefit and the least harm from it. The organization should serve the world, not be served by it. Intelligent management: Management responsible for the impact of the organization should bring beneficial returns to the organization whenever possible, so that the Social responsibility policy of the organization is sustainable and efficient. A socially responsible organization develops better in a better environment. (Vallaeys, 2013: 3).
The demand for social responsibility in organizations has become ever greater in our society, and the Spanish universities, not unaware of this phenomenon, have become leaders in this type of socially responsible practices. Over a decade ago, 88.6% of the Spanish university organizations included caring activities typical of corporate social responsibility (Arias Careaga y Simón Ruiz, 2004). Our world is ever more aware of the need to establish the bases for a well-informed society, guided by socially responsible professionals, with transparent and ethical values and with intentions for a sustainable future.
The first educational project within the European University system in Spain was introduced in 1993 by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (De la Calle Maldonado, 2011), which included a compulsory subject on the curriculum with the aim of educating students in social responsibility.
current state of CSR, as a subject in undergraduate curricula in public and private universities. Our research focuses on the field of communication and its linkage to SCR management. Based on the results of in-depth interviews, we carry out a documentary analysis of SCR subject syllabi of undergraduate studies in communication and related disciplines.
Corporate social responsibility; university social responsability; university education; communication; social responsibility training.
presente investigación analiza el estado actual de la formación sobre Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en la oferta académica en los estudios de grado en las universidades españolas, públicas y priva-das. Nuestra investigación se centra en el ámbito de la comunicación, como uno de los pilares fundamentales vinculados a la gestión de la RSC. Basada en la información obtenida de entrevistas en profun-didad, realizamos un análisis de las guías docentes de las materias sobre RSC en los grados de comunicación y disciplinas afines.
Palabras clave:
Responsabilidad social corporativa; responsabilidad social universitaria; educación universitaria; comunicación; formación en responsabilidad social.