doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 341-360 | 357

July-December of 2020

Lucia Ballesteros-Aguayo and Francisco Javier Escobar Borrego

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

In addition, we have shown how, by using the digital ecosystem, receivers of information become at the same time its transmitters, thus influencing the lexicalisation process of novel concepts thanks to their cooperative transmission.

We have also explored a typology of classificatory processes based on the diverse origin of keywords that speakers employ simultaneously on different digital platforms on a massive scale due to the ever-faster evolution towards a network society, which has not escaped the attentive gaze of the authorities or language institutions.

Similarly, the results of our comprehensive analysis of specific useful type-tokens as paradigmatic models and as the foundations for a particular taxonomy, also point to the implementation of a specific language corpus.

All this is especially relevant in the midst of an unprecedented global public health crisis, considering that the connection between the intellection resulting from conceptual images and the outlooks of speakers, which provides them with a coherent, systematic and optimistic explanation of the world surrounding them.

In the main, from the results of our analysis it is possible to identify a positive life and emotional outlook deriving from the use of euphemistic concepts, referring to both the essential components of realty and the laws and processes shaping them, which have appeared during the public health crisis.

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