284 | 29, pp. 275-286 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

Artificial intelligence (AI) applied to informative documentation and journalistic sports writing...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

In this sense, Heredia mentions that semi-automatic writing will be a reality in five years, it would be a milestone in the jour-nalistic profession but poses a challenge for professionals and Academia from a research perspective in such a fast-chang-ing area, which is adapting in a complex way.

As possible future lines of research, the research team finds the need to broaden it to other cases, as well as apply it, along the lines of Gómez and Méndez’s (2016) research techniques from neuro-journalism in order to find out audiences’ re-ception as well as potential interpretive differences between “human, robotized or conventional journalism”. Like García-Avilés, Carvajal Prieto and Arias Robles (2018), it would be necessary to analyze what journalists’ perception of innovation is, in this cases of AI, as well as the case studies of journalistic projects in other specialties other than sports journalism, such as event, political or social journalism.

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