doxa.comunicación | 29, pp. 275-286 | 281

July-December of 2019

Jesús Segarra-Saavedra, F. J. Cristòfol and Alba-María Martínez-Sala

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Non-probability sampling has been applied to the sample to correspond to the needs of the research. It is what Wimmer and Dominick (1996) define as strategic sampling, which centers on the research team’s criteria and their knowledge of the research topic. It is a type of selection widely used in small sample research; it helps to bolster the information interviewees provide due to their strategic situation in the research field of knowledge.

The people interviewed for this case study are listed below, as well as their role within the company studied:

Manuel Agustín Heredia: CEO and founder of BeSoccer.

Daniel Guerrero: Marketing and business development director of BeSoccer.

Finally, it should be noted that the reasons that led the research team to use BeSoccer as a case study are that Heredia’s di-gital project applies football results and is the most influential in Spanish. Moreover, football is the most consumed sport in Spain as a spectacle, according to the Ministry of Education Culture and Sport (known as MECD in Spanish) (MECD, 2015, p. 14). According to the data provided on its website, it has 175.2 sessions per user, and 98.3% of users are active, making it the market leader according to Ogury’s study, which was provided by the organization. The growth of BeSoccer has transformed it into the fastest-growing application on the international scene, reaching 10 million downloads on “Google Play,” and making it the first Spanish mobile sports application to do so, according to BeSoccer’s corporate information.

3. Results

The data gathered shows that BeSoccer is the online community with the highest number of active users compared to the competition. Although BeSoccer is not the application with the most users (BeSoccer has 0.9% market share compared to 1.1% for OneFootball) according to the data provided by the company, its users are active at a rate of 98.3%, which is the highest figure out of all the 11 main football applications worldwide, which participated in Ogury’s analysis. The second application with the highest number of active users is 365Scores, with 85.2%, followed by OneFootball with 79.9%. BeSoc-cer sets itself apart from its competitors in the number of sessions per user: 175.2 sessions per user versus 77.3 for MisMar-cadores or 65.4 for 365Scores, which are the applications with the second and third highest market share.

The organization’s CEO, Manuel Heredia, emphasizes the importance of the journalistic profession in an uncertain future, “the journalism professional today has a fundamental role, although some of that importance will be lost in the future. The use of technological tools such as artificial intelligence or big data will mean that their tasks are more focused on professio-nal supervision and less on writing contents”.

Editors are an essential figure in newsroom operations, who find out all the news related to the topics of interest instanta-neously thanks to a management system of feeds. These feeds point to automatic writing in the future, “the main applica-tion is text mining, which allows texts to be analyzed automatically. In addition to this, another application that will be very important is automatic writing, which will probably not evolve so that it is fully automatic, but we will indeed witness quite realistic semi-automatic writing in the next five years”.