Automated News in Brazilian television: a case study on the AIDA system (Globo-Brazil)
Automatización de textos periodísticos en la televisión brasileña: estudio de caso del sistema AIDA (Globo-Brasil)
doxa.comunicación | nº 29, pp. 255-274 | 255
July-December of 2019
ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978
How to cite this article:
Essenfelder, R.; Canavilhas, J.; Maia, H. C. and Pinto, R. J. (2019). Automated News in Brazilian television: a case study on the AIDA system (Globo-Brazil). Doxa Comunicación, 29, pp. 255-274.
Renato Essenfelder. PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP), Master in Portuguese at PUC-SP and Bachelor of Journalism. Professor of journalism at ESPM-SP since 2011, also a researcher at the Master of Journalism at the same institution since 2016, where he coordinates the Research Group on Content Production. His research work focuses in the areas of journalistic narratives, storytelling and Artificial Intelligence. He is also a columnist for “Portal Estadão”.
João Canavilhas. PhD at the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) with a thesis entitled “Webnoticia: propuesta de modelo periodístico para la WWW”. He is associate professor at the Universidade da Beira Interior (Covilhã – PORTUGAL), where actually is vice-rector and researcher at Labcom.IFP – Communication, Philosophy and Humanities. João Canavilhas is the author or co-author of 10 books, 36 chapter books and 45 papers in national and international scientific journals. His research work focuses on various aspects of “Communication and New Technologies”, particularly in the fields of online journalism, social media and journalism for portable devices.
Haline Costa Maia. Communication Specialist professional holding a Postgrad in Marketing, currently studying an MSc in Journalism at Universidade Fernando Pessoa (Portugal) and overall 13 years of experience in multinational companies such as Exxomobil and Accenture with planning, PR, movie screenwriting, copywriting, cinema, social media management, digital marketing and ad campaigns. Currently a Communication and Marketing Specialist at RPC - Rede Paranaense de Comunicação. Her preferred areas in academic research are NLP, artificial intelligence, communication, linguistics and technology.