326 | 27, pp. 317-336 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2018

Interdisciplinarity of professional profiles as a basis for the fight against hatred on social networks: Rewind

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

to Peer Facebook Global Digital Challenge’. For this, students needed, first of all, knowledge of the socio-communicative reality in all geographical areas, from the local to the international level, since social networks cover all these parameters. On the other hand, students needed to be able to reflect on the social networks in which they work with knowledge of the history, characteristics and structure of them and knowledge of the organization and distribution of the different profiles. This type of knowledge allowed critical reflection and therefore it constituted the path to the capacity for innovation and creativity. Finally, it was essential to students to know the legal framework of their activity in order to be able to adapt their practice to the limits determined by the rules.

iv) Autonomous and collaborative work capacity. As a participant in the project, the student needed fundamental work skills that will allow him to perform adequately. Among them are, as especially important in this area, the capacity for organization and planning, mastery of foreign languages that allowed the student to mix on social networks and have references of other projects in other countries, the fundamental capacity of problem solving and decision making. The skills related to teamwork and interpersonal skills had a special impact for the project objectives. Therefore, the project had a strong component of team spirit in which students received specific training in this area. Last, and not least, to combat hatred on social networks, the student had to have solid knowledge of the principles of professional ethics and deontology.

In the detailed list of the functions of each of the students, one of the students, in this case one being in the final grade, was appointed responsible for the project, with the task of supervising all the work developed by the team and also managing the campaign as regards the budget. Another one was in charge of previous research and of the identification of current issues for the generation of relevant contents.

The other six students, in relation to the needs of the campaign and also considering their profile, were responsible for the following tasks: in the creative area, two graphic creators, responsible for carrying out each day the creativities required for the campaign in the various media, and an audiovisual producer, responsible for everything related to content of this type, both videos for daily content and others more thoroughly, such as summaries.

In content management, a student was in charge of the planning and proposal of the subjects that had to be treated. Another was responsible for the content generated from a point of view more focused on public relations, and so the student prepared the press releases, bulletins, weekly reports of the campaign, and everything related to the relationship with influencers and media. Finally, the work of webmaster and data analyst to analyze and evaluate the campaign metrics was entrusted to another member of the team.

To guarantee the correct functioning of the process, the professors involved also distributed the tasks in which they had to supervise and facilitate the work of the students. Thus, the relationship with the media, management of social networks, the review of campaign strategy and content and the relationship with the organizations involved in the contest were the actions that each of them undertook.