doxa.comunicación | 27, pp. 317-336 | 325

July-December of 2018

Olga Kolotouchkina, María Henar Alonso Mosquera, Juan Enrique Gonzálvez Vallés

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

the ability to express oneself in an attractive and interesting way or the ability to adapt specialized languages to general audiences that are present on social networks.

b) Capacity for integration and adaptation to the organization, equipment, processes and work criteria, in the contexts and means of communication activity in the 2.0 environment. It is a macrocompetence that is deployed in three fundamental areas:

i) Mastery of the processes and techniques of production of information and communication content. That is, mastery of the procedures that professionals use in their performance, together with the techniques and technologies that accompany them. To do this, the following resources were made available to students:

Internet connection: essential for management of social network channels, as well as the web, since the campaign is digital.

Eight personal computers: being a digital campaign in its entirety, it was vitally important that all promoters have access to personal computers to be able to work.

Video editing programs: Adobe Premier Pro, Final Cut, AfterEffects ...

Photo editing programs: Adobe Photoshop

Linear / vectorial editing programs: Adobe Illustrator.


Video camera.

Code editing programs: Adobe Dreamweaver / Sublime Text.

Internet browser and tools for developers that include: Google Chrome, Safari ...

Social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn ...

Other technological resources accessible from the web: Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, Instagram Analytics, Twitter Analytics ...

ii) This type of competence, being procedures and techniques, should be formed in their practice. Therefore, the project was articulated in several phases the core of which was always to combat hatred on social networks, reproducing the environments and tasks characteristic of the profession. In them, students could propose their strategy and reflect on it. It included aspects of basic techniques and procedures such as mastery of social networks and the procedures to elaborate content in various media and profiles, or mastery of production technologies in all those areas. It also included competences related to the design and implementation of projects in various areas and genres, including the creation of digital communication projects and corporate identity. And finally, it was necessary to include here the capacity to contextualize in a critical way that performance they were carrying out in the project, achieving, through abstract thinking and the ability to analyze, the knowledge of concepts, theories of media communication and their social impact or basic concepts and processes of advertising and public relations. That is, multidisciplinary and transversal competences, which are also proper to the existing Degrees in the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences of CEU San Pablo University.

iii) Knowledge of the context and means of activity on social networks. Students had to be able to integrate, situate themselves and adapt appropriately to a real and professional environment such as the one provided by ‘Peer