330 | 27, pp. 317-336 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2018

Interdisciplinarity of professional profiles as a basis for the fight against hatred on social networks: Rewind

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Likewise, the Rewind campaign was chosen as one of the four finalists worldwide among all participating universities in five continents. In its defense at the Facebook headquarters in Washington DC, Rewind was proclaimed third best campaign in the world, ahead of the Xavier University (Philippines) and behind the American University of Nigeria (Nigeria) and the University of Dhaka (Bangladesh) ).

Likewise, the numerical data endorse the campaign. Facebook achieved more than three million hits, and more than a million were obtained on Instagram and Twitter. The impact on other media, both online and offline, amounts to more than twenty million people reached by the campaign.

Regarding the second objective, to answer more than five hundred hatred comments, that number was also far exceeded. And regarding the engagement of the users (calculated as the total organic interaction of each publication, its ‘I like it’, comments, click and how many times it was shared, divided by the number of unique users reached by it), the average has exceeded 8.30%, reaching peaks of up to 38.2%, so that the third objective has also been met as planned.

The repercussion on mass media demonstrates, without a doubt, the innovation of the project and that caught the attention of a multitude of media that echoed it and highlighted the participation of CEU San Pablo University.

Image 1. Examples of the impact of CEU San Pablo University project on media for ‘Peer to Peer Facebook Global Digital Challenge’: Rewind. Source: Marca España, Telemadrid, El Economista, El Mundo and made by the authors.