doxa.comunicación | 27, pp. 317-336 | 329

July-December of 2018

Olga Kolotouchkina, María Henar Alonso Mosquera, Juan Enrique Gonzálvez Vallés

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Without investing a lot of time, or requiring a complaint, and with an obvious advantage: rewinding does not have a negative connotation as it would an ‘I do not like it’ or an ‘I am angry’, it simply invites you to rethink about what is written and to take another attitude. It is a second opportunity.

The use of the emoticon would therefore allow any user of the network to respond to a hatred comment and have one of the haters end up reacting, but also, it would have the objective of allowing social networks to detect those users that frequently received this emoji as a response, and perhaps with that, to identify people with radical ideologies or even belonging to radical groups.

Likewise, regarding the content strategy to let this possibility be known, to respond with the icon rewind to hatred comments on the network, a type of content was established for each of the social networks, and a tone of campaign, which should be casual and fun to connect with a young audience, but at the same time serious and credible.

The main social network around which the campaign was articulated was Facebook, although a specific strategy for Instagram and Twitter was also developed, and a more limited presence was maintained on YouTube, Whatsapp and Spotify. In addition to certain offline actions linked to events and conferences.

The content of the campaign was based on three strategic lines, each with a predetermined objective: corporate content, focused on the efficient communication of the initiative and the strengthening of the brand image Rewind; rational content, aimed at supporting the campaign with information that would make us see the importance and necessity of this initiative, and emotional content, used to attract users to our profiles, empathize with them and encourage them to act in the presence of hatred speech by feeling emotionally identified with the campaign.

Regarding the tone and creativity used on each network, Facebook was used to show creativities of the three types of content, and it served to achieve the reaching objective of the campaign, as it is the most widespread network. Instagram concentrated the more emotional communication aimed at fostering the feeling of belonging to the community (rewinders), through images with positive messages, and other photographs with stickers showing Rewind in different parts of the world.

Twitter was positioned as the network that made it possible to establish a conversation to activate the silent majority to act and interact with the haters, responding to their insults or irrational comments using our hashtag, the emoji and a rational argument that allowed haters to think about their comments.

4. Results

Regarding the evaluation of the campaign, success can be measured in qualitative and quantitative terms. In relation to the former, we must highlight the support for the campaign that led to its selection for both the European final and the world final. In Vienna, at the headquarters of OSCE, the Rewind campaign was proclaimed the European winner against the other two finalist projects that were defended (Masaryken University in the Czech Republic and Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development in Germany).