318 | 27, pp. 317-336 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2018

Interdisciplinarity of professional profiles as a basis for the fight against hatred on social networks: Rewind

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

1. Introduction

The origin of the project is in the ‘Peer to Peer Facebook Global Digital Challenge’, which emerged in 2015 as a global interuniversity initiative promoted by Facebook. More than 150 universities around the world joined the project that consisted in the creation of a real communication campaign on social networks and digital media to combat extremism and bad communication practices in virtual environments. Since the launch of the project in 2015, two annual calls for competition have been launched, coinciding with the academic semesters in autumn and spring.

Each participating university presents a team formed by five to eight students who design, plan and execute a communication campaign with a budget assigned by Facebook to meet the specific objectives of scope and impact raised at the beginning of each call. The work of each team of students has the support of the professors of their university and a weekly supervision by the Facebook team to control compliance with the temporary objectives and the investment made.

At the end of each semester and depending on the results achieved, the final selection of the three best campaigns presented to the professional jury made up of prestigious experts worldwide in the field of international relations, digital communication and security is made. The three finalist campaigns are exhibited, depending on the geographical area of the participating University, in a final in Brussels for the European region, and in Washington both for the regional competition among American universities and for the grand world final.

The most outstanding aspects of this innovative teaching initiative are reflected both in the unique dynamics of the project, which takes place in the real environment, as well as in the contents, narratives and digital impacts that its implementation triggers. The possibility offered to university students to live a real experience of the development and comprehensive implementation of a digital communication campaign with an assigned budget replicates the circumstances of the professional environment to which many aspire to enter once their university academic education is completed.


In the search for new initiatives that could attract students, a group of professors proposed participation in Facebook Challenge P2P organized by Edventure Partners. The selection of the participating students was made by establishing an interdisciplinary filter in the profiles that were to be selected. After the selection of students, we worked with a real briefing and budget, creating an original com-municative space where an online campaign aimed at prevention of extremism on the networks was developed. The campaign was more than successful since it got the first position in the European event and the third one in the world event; in addition, it won the Prize for Teaching Innovation by CEU San Pablo University.


Facebook, hate, social networks, profiles, innovation.


En la búsqueda de nuevas iniciativas que pudieran atraer al alum-nado, un grupo de profesores propuso la participación en el Face-book Challenge P2P organizado por Edventure Partners. La selec-ción de los alumnos participantes se realizó estableciendo un filtro interdisciplinar en los perfiles que iban a ser seleccionados. Tras la selección de alumnos, se trabajó con un briefing y un presupuesto reales, creando un espacio comunicativo original donde se desarro-lló una campaña online orientada a la prevención del extremismo en las redes. La campaña fue más que exitosa puesto que se consi-guió la primera posición en el certamen europeo y la tercera en el mundial; además de obtener el Premio de Innovación Docente por parte de la Universidad CEU San Pablo.


Facebook, odio, redes sociales, perfiles, innovación.

Received: 04/06/2018 - Accepted: 04/09/2018

Recibido: 04/06/2018 - Aceptado: 04/09/2018