doxa.comunicación | 27, pp. 317-336 | 319

July-December of 2018

Olga Kolotouchkina, María Henar Alonso Mosquera, Juan Enrique Gonzálvez Vallés

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

When developing the project within a university, the diffusion and the repercussion of the generated contents increase significantly among all the members of the university community. On the other hand, the opportunity to participate with their talent, ideas and knowledge in the global fight against extremism in digital environments contributes to empowerment and greater social activism of university students.

CEU San Pablo University team, made up of eight students from the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences, participated in the call for the project in the spring of 2017, obtaining the highest award in the European competition and being the third ranked in the grand world final with their Rewind campaign.

The process of selection of the members of the student team was carried out by a multidisciplinary team of professors of Journalism, Humanities, Audiovisual Communication, Digital Communication and Advertising and Public Relations of CEU San Pablo University. The eight students were selected from the call open to all students of the faculty to present their candidacies, assessing the most outstanding features of their academic training, relevant to the project, as well as their social activism and their experience in the field of digital communication

The variety of student profiles, at the level of both training and concerns and personal characteristics, was considered key to forming a multidisciplinary, dynamic, open and inclusive team. Aristotle (n.d.) the Stagirite said “teaching is not a vital function, because it does not have an end in itself; the vital function is to learn. What we have to learn, we learn by doing”. Currently, the development of real projects in the field of social networks and digital media is considered a key educational tool in the training of university students of Advertising and Communication (Childers and Levenshus, 2016). The ACEJMC of the United States (Accreditation Council for the Teaching of Journalism and Communication) identifies, among the key competences of the academic curriculum, the ability of students to understand the digital environment and its impact on the context of globalization as well as the development of campaigns of digital communication by applying the essential tools of the process (ACEJMC, n.d.)

This is the spirit that impregnated the genesis of the project that four professors and eight students of the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences of CEU San Pablo University assumed to try to end hatred on social networks.

The challenge was therefore double. On the one hand, the necessary teaching innovation to face the transversality of the project both in subjects and in the selection of students of different grades, courses and groups. And, on the other hand, the necessary and obligatory cooperation of the eight selected students, with well-defined competences assumed after passing the specific subjects of their training itinerary.

1.1. Theoretical framework

The basis of the current problem of hatred on social networks had to be confronted with the solutions provided by the current educational philosophy of searching for quality -understood as an aspiration to the effective improvement of learning and teaching, in the achievement of which there are many elements present such as “the values [of the organization], the level of satisfaction, the training action of professors, the institutional culture, the climate of the classes, etc.” (Zabalza Beraza, 2003: 171) - And of continuous adaptation to the new environments, a characteristic of the process of European