250 | 28, pp. 241-260 | doxa.comunicación

January-June of 2019

New audiovisual consumption habits among minors: approximation through the analysis of survey data

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

number of 111 participants, 7 were 14 years old, 39 were 15 years old, 29 were 16, and 33 of the participants were 17 years old. Three of them did not answer the question correctly, so their age could not be categorised. The following graph shows a visual distribution of the participants by age:

Source: Prepared by the authors based on data from surveys carried out using the SurveyMonkey tool (hereinafter SM)

With regard to gender, 61 of the participants were male (51.45%), while 48 were female (43.64%). Only one person chose the third option (“other”) and another did not answer the question correctly, so the answer was discarded.

The third question measured how often participants access the Internet and 102 of the 111 respondents said they connect several times a day. This is more than 93%, and those who did not choose this option was due to the fact that they logged on just once a day (3 people) or several times a week (4 people). None of the participants said they connect less frequently or do not use the internet at all. This demonstrates the high level of regular Internet use by the young people interviewed.

Source: created by the authors based on data from surveys carried out using the SM tool

Once the frequency of internet connection was established, the following question measured what audiovisual content the participants view.