doxa.comunicación | 28, pp. 241-260 | 249

January-June of 2019

María José García-Orta, Victoria García-Prieto and Miriam Suárez-Romero

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

8. When you use these platforms...

I only watch the content, but I don’t participate

In addition to watching the content, I participate actively (with comments, placing a value on the content...)

I don’t use them

9. Have you uploaded audiovisual content to the internet?


Yes (Specify which platform): ______________

10. Do you usually watch, or have you ever watched, audiovisual content through the internet rated for people over 18 years of age?

Yes, frequently

Yes, but only occasionally

No, never

Doesn’t know / Doesn’t answer

11. What do your parents think of the audiovisual content you watch?

They know what I watch and they agree

They know what I watch, but they don’t agree and I see it without their permission.

They don’t know what I watch, but if they did, they would agree.

They don’t know what I watch, and if they did, they would not agree.

12.) Do you watch TV series or movies through free (and illegal) websites?



Doesn’t know / Doesn’t answer

13.) How do you watch the series? (check as many as apply)

Through its television broadcast

A la carte on the website of the television channel (e.g. Atresplayer)

Internet download

On DVD or Blu-ray

On free platforms (YouTube, Daily Motion or Vimeo)

In a content pack (such as Netflix, HBO, Filmin or Movistar+)

14. How many TV series do you currently watch? : _____

15. How many episodes of TV series do you watch per week?: _____

16. Of the TV series you watch, or have watched, what are your five favorites?: _____.

17. Which series do you prefer?

Spanish Series

Non-Spanish Series

Source: created by the authors

3. Results

The following are the most noteworthy results, following the order of the questionnaire just presented above. The first two questions of the survey were aimed at establishing the age and sex of the young people surveyed. In terms of age, of the total