258 | 28, pp. 241-260 | doxa.comunicación

January-June of 2019

New audiovisual consumption habits among minors: approximation through the analysis of survey data

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

they are in fact prosumers (producers + consumers), people capable of generating and sharing content of different types with distinct levels of complexity”. Moreover, many academic works have pointed toward this idea for several years, such as those of Dezuanni and Hernández (2012), Vidales and Rubio (2014), or very recently, the interesting approach of the previously-mentioned researcher named Scolari (2018a).

However, the results presented here do not coincide those of previous studies, since one of the pending topics of young people is their degree of interaction. In fact, this study questions the conventional view that the Internet is the paradigm of interactivity. Only one-fifth of those surveyed stated that they actively participated by assessing or commenting on the content they viewed, while the rest merely consumed the content, thus imitating the linear television model with a classic sender-receiver communication process.

The role of prosumer has not yet been consolidated among these young people, since only 35.14% of the participants had uploaded audiovisual content to the Internet, especially on social networks such as Instagram, Twitter or YouTube. Those who create content on social networks do not interact with the content they consume in online platforms, assuming the role of a passive receiver.

This research, which constitutes a first approximation to the field of study through the investigation of a specific case, and geographically located in a specific secondary school, offers a starting point for broadening unanswered questions and further questioning to clarify doubts. From the conclusions outlined, diverse ways to continue researching this topic have been illustrated. For example, through use of the questionnaire provided by the authors, it would be of great interest to broaden the perspectives by using data on students from other secondary schools, of different age groups, and from different cities. Conclusions could also be drawn that take into account sociodemographic aspects such as gender or age, and could include other variables not considered in the initial design of this research. Future efforts will be devoted to all of these aspects.

5. Bibliographic references

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