doxa.comunicación | 27, pp. 295-315 | 295

July-December of 2018

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Robots and Artificial Intelligence. New challenges of journalism

Los robots y la Inteligencia Artificial. Nuevos retos del periodismo

How to cite this article:

Salazar, I. (2018). Robots and Artificial Intelligence. New challenges of journalism. Doxa Comunicación, 27, pp. 295-315.

Idoia Salazar has a PhD in Journalism and is a lecturer in International Degrees in the School of Communication and Humanities at San Pablo CEU University. Principal investigator of SIMPAIR Group (Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics), specializing in ethics in Artificial Intelligence. Career development in digital media of PRISA Communication Group in which she was responsible for the area of R & D, participating in competitive projects of the European Union related to semantic web technologies. Author of the book: The depths of Internet: Accessing information that conventional search engines do not find and discovering the brilliant future of the Web, as well as numerous articles in the mass media.

San Pablo CEU University, Madrid, Spain

i[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-9540-8740


This study analyses the remarkable social impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics in all areas, focusing on journalism. The evolution of these concepts and the influence that science fiction literature and cinematography has had on them is also studied. Different current initiatives of development and implementation of these new technologies in the communication media are collected, and details regarding the advantages and disadvantages of these have been pointed out from a professional and ethical point of view. Likewise, several studies have been taken into account at the international level on the subject dealt with and experts in the field have been consulted on the real viability of these technologies in the area in question. The results allow us to envision a new way of carrying out journalism based on direct human-machine collaboration in which the journalist must redefine him or herself to adjust to the new situation.


Artificial intelligence; robots; journalism; technology; ethics.


Este estudio analiza el destacable impacto social de la Inteligen-cia Artificial y la Robótica en todos los ámbitos, centrándose en el periodismo. Se recogen distintas iniciativas actuales de desarrollo e implantación de estas nuevas tecnologías en medios de comuni-cación y se detallan ventajas e inconvenientes de las mismas desde un punto de vista tanto profesional como ético. Asimismo, se han tenido en cuenta diversos estudios, a nivel internacional, sobre el tema tratado y se ha consultado a expertos en la materia sobre la viabilidad real de estas tecnologías en el área que nos ocupa. El re-sultado permite vislumbrar una nueva forma de hacer periodismo, basada en la colaboración directa hombre-máquina, en la que el periodista deberá redefinirse para ajustarse a la nueva situación.

Palabras clave:

Inteligencia Artificial; robots; periodismo; tecnología; ética.

Received: 05/06/2018 - Accepted: 24/09/2018

Recibido: 05/06/2018 - Aceptado: 24/09/2018