300 | 31, pp. 283-302 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Spanish/Castilian on Wikipedia: voices and discussion forum

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

of (im)politeness employed allowed us to determine the tone of these discussions and observe how consensus is sought in order to further the collaborative construction of knowledge which is the essence of Wikipedia.

Specifically, the construction of Spanish Wikipedia is marked by behaviors that foster consensus and that can encompass discussion, debate and even controversy. Most importantly, Spanish Wikipedia is not produced by a majority of users from any one country or community, rather it has a strong international flavor. In the same way, discourse is pluralistic not monopolistic; contributions from the ten most active editors on the two articles studied represent only a small part of the whole. As a result, hypothesis 3 (H3) seems to be confirmed, it appears that articles are produced without any monopolizing power or central authority to organize their construction.

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