doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 283-302 | 299

July-December of 2020

María Isabel Hernández Toribio, Florencia Claes and Luis Deltell

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

(10) Sincerely I don’t see it as right that Wikipedians without any sense of objectivity with regards to Spanish should be those who impose the maps that they decide on at the time. On the map of the Spanish language the necessary references are missing […]. Adeuagur. 03:04 31 jul 2011 (UTC) (Discussion: Idioma español, 2020).

As occurs on social networking platforms, attacks are directed more at a group identity (the coalitions that are established between users) than that of individuals (García-Conejos Blitvich and Bou-Franch, 2019: 99).

Finally, we look at those cases where impoliteness is made clear through “the simple desire to boycott the intervention of the other (a turn is not claimed, but there is intervention), and demonstrate disconformity with what they are saying” (Fuentes Rodríguez and Alcaide Lara, 2008: 22). As we observe in the conversation shown in example (11), the users/content editors of Wikipedia reproach this behavior:

(11) Hello. The user Gonce insists on putting […] No doubt, the rioplatense “yeismo” is very interesting but this is not the place to mention it we talk about “yeismo” in 3 lines and it is not appropriate to enumerate every one of its usages. I won’t keep undoing because it is clear that this won’t stop without the participation of others. Thanks. Lin linao ¿dime?

00:19 11 jun 2009 (UTC)

(. ) the user lin linao insists on removing my contribution about rioplatense “yeismo”, it is relevant, it is only a small clarification and this user won’t stop removing it. You can judge for yourselves the action to take and join the cause. Gonce.

00:30 11 jun 2009 (UTC).

Please, stop this attitude or it could be considered sabotage. Wikipedia is not the place to impose your personal preferences or your beliefs, as you say in your comment Lin linao […] Thanks for your understanding. -galio... любая проблема?

20:14 11 jun 2009 (UTC) (Discussion: Idioma español , 2020).

5. Conclusions

In this article we have presented a case study exemplifying the internal workings of Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia under continuous development and the fruit of collaborative work on the part of users. Specifically, in order to illustrate the activity on the Spanish version of Wikipedia, we have, through a qualitative analysis, inspected the behaviors and the processes involved in the construction of two representative articles in this linguistic version of the encyclopedia.

It was observed that the articles “Spanish language” and “Controversy over the name of the Spanish language” introduce heated and complex discussions to the Wikipedia environment reflecting the conflict provoked concerning topics connected with the language and its varieties. In this way, our first hypothesis (H1) appears to be confirmed: there are a significant number of editors (both anonymous and identifiable) who contribute pluralistically to the creation of the articles studied. Particularly relevant is the fact that both articles have a large number of watchers since this indicates the high level of interest and concern show within the community for the Spanish language.

With respect to hypothesis 2 (H2), the discussion pages for both articles studied appear to be wide-ranging and pluralistic debating forums that share many characteristics with specialist opinion forums, focused on a particular theme, and relying on a moderator to manage content and behavior; but which, despite the best efforts of Wikipedia to prevent it, also have features in common with other forums on which personal opinions are expressed. In either case, the strategies