112 | 31, pp. 107-129 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

European migrants on the Costa del Sol: an analysis of the consumption of foreign media by the German...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Image 1: Bibliographic database

Source: own elaboration

Phase 2: Development of a media census to obtain a comprehensive overview of the current situation regarding the media for foreigners on the Costa del Sol. This census, which in this study focuses on the German media, was carried out as part of the structure designed by López Romero (2009) in her doctoral thesis on this field of study, which comprises the follow-ing sections of analysis: geographical area, name of the media, type of media (newspaper, magazine, television channel, etc.), radio station frequencies (if applicable), start year, finish year, frequency, language (indicating if more than one), full address of head office, stock, printing press, editor-in-chief and editors, ownership, geographical scope, orientation and nature of the media, contact details and observations.

The census, carried out from January 2016 to May 2018, covered the existing printed press, digital press and radio media on the Costa del Sol. However, it should be noted that this census included several media that have closed down since the study began. Altogether 130 media were found, 112 on the Costa del Sol and 18 on the Algarve. Three methods were developed to complete this database: a web-based bibliographic and documentary search to detect new publications; interviews with journalists and managers of known foreign media so that they could inform us of the existence of other media in their area; and a field search carried out by visiting tourist areas and places with a large influx of tourists, where many of these publications are made available free of charge.

The following are all the media detected for the German population on the Costa del Sol:

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