doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 107-129 | 111

July-December of 2020

Antonio Cuartero, Aida María de Vicente Domínguez and Francisco Báez de Aguilar González

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

To identify the media diet of the German population living on the Costa del Sol.

To analyse the role played by the media that make up this media diet in the integration of the German resident popu-lation into Spanish society, especially from the point of view of the process of European construction.

The methodology used here is that developed for the whole R&D&I project Medios de Comunicación y construcción euro-pea: estudio sociocomunicativo de los residentes comunitarios en el sur de España y de Portugal (CSO2015-65837-R) [Media and European construction: socio-communicative study of community residents in southern Spain and Portugal]. This project was carried out from January 2016 to December 2019 and it is led by professor of Journalism Juan Antonio García Galindo. It is focused on those European migrant communities with the greatest media representation on the Costa del Sol and in the Algarve, namely, Germans, Danes, Finns, French, Dutch, British, Swedes and Norwegians. Finally, it was considered appropriate and necessary to include the Russian population due to the significant proportion of residents and their high representation in the media. Other community members such as Italians or Ukrainians were not included because there were no media published in their language.

The methodology is structured in two methodological blocks with a total of five phases. Obviously, throughout the project the contents of these phases have been updated with new information or aspects that have arisen and at some point cer-tain phases have been carried out in parallel to others. The first block includes three phases.

Phase 1: Creation of an online database to which the results obtained from the bibliographic search on foreign media can be uploaded. The search for these media was carried out in national and international databases (Dialnet, Rebiun, Teseo, B-on, Google Academic and Scopus), and the key words or search equations used were: “foreign press”, “foreign media”, “media for immigrants”, “press for immigrants”, “community media”, “delocalised media”, “delocalised press”, “foreign press Costa del Sol”, “press and tourism Costa del Sol”4, adding after these terms the nationality analysed, which in the case under study is German.

For each document we chose to insert the type of text (book, article, chapter, etc.), the title, the name of the author, the year of publication and its editor, the internet link (if any), the disciplines (limited to a maximum of 5 words), key words, the full bibliographic reference in APA format, the relevance for the project and observations. A total of 203 general con-tributions were found and five of them analyse the German population, but only three focus on media targeted at this population.

4 These key words were searched in Spanish.