70 | 31, pp. 63-86 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Open political parties: applying the principles of Open Government to Spanish political affiliations

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

information. In this sense, with a score of 4.05, the experts considered that the parties should create a system of regulated information requests with established response times through a system that is easy-to-use and free of charge.

The web portals of political parties must have an advanced search engine in order to allow the user to search for information according to the topic and date.

All of the information published must be updated at least once every six months, although it would be useful to have the information updated monthly, with the exception of news and similar content, which have different intervals. Clear and uncomplicated language should be used with a minimum of technical terms, and if technical language is used, it should be explained clearly.

One of the aspects most frequently highlighted by the experts (4.94) was the need for the web portal to be accessible for all types of people, and for the data to be useful and re-usable. For this reason, the data must be disseminated in appropriate formats and the publication of PDF files must be avoided.

One of the objectives of political parties must be accountability to the public (4.27). This implies that they must take responsibility for their decisions, fulfil their promises, and submit their activities to public scrutiny. An example of accountability supported by the experts (4.0) consists of publishing information and adhering to their electoral programme.

Section II. Deliberation

The second section of the Guide refers to the promotion of deliberation. For the experts who participated in the Delphi study, deliberation means that parties encourage debate among the electorate. The parties must be highly involved so that deliberation will be free, pluralistic and based on transparent processes (4.83). This involvement must result in the implementation of resources for debate along with their inclusion in the party’s statutes (3.55), and the creation of a code of conduct or a regulation governing the processes (4.44).

According to the experts, deliberation entails a close relationship between the political class and the citizenry along with the proposal of new ideas, renewal of agendas, and increased efficiency. It should be pointed out that deliberation should not only take place on digital platforms, but also face to face (4.88), though all processes should be publicised to increase their promotion, effectiveness and guarantee of transparency.

Political parties can promote deliberation with various initiatives, namely the following: