54 | 31, pp. 41-61 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

The decline in reputation of communication professionals following the crisis of Valencia’s media system

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

to the role played by MESAV in the process of rescuing the Valencian audio-visual industry, three main aspects were assessed:

For 50% of the respondents, the MESAV has been very useful as a space to share the problems that communication professionals have in common.

For 44% of the respondents, the launch of the MESAV has been important in carrying out analyses and constructive criticism of policies that support the communication sector.

Finally, 39% of those surveyed agree that the MESAV has been relevant as an exercise in transparency regarding the profession itself and society as well.

However, it is striking that for 71% of those surveyed, the MESAV has not been a useful instrument for gaining visibility in the eyes of Valencian society, as 65% consider that the MESAV has not demonstrated the unity of all the communication sectors in the view of Valencian society, and for 72% of those surveyed, the MESAV has not communicated the problems of the Valencian audio-visual and communication sector to society. Therefore, it can be affirmed that a significant part of the communication profession has not understood the role played by the MESAV in recent years.

As participants in this space for debate, we can point out that there has been a lack of involvement by a significant portion of the professional associations, which could be related to the absence of a corporate culture with a regard to the reality of communication in which a narrow and short-sighted vision prevails in the profession itself. With regard to the Academia Valenciana del Audiovisual (AVAV) –Valencian Audio-Visual Academy– it should be noted that this association was created with the aim of working to improve the reputation of the sector and the professions related to the Valencian audio-visual sector. To this end, it has received the support of the Valencian Institute of Culture, Audio-visual and Cinematography Section, especially for the creation of the Valencian Audio-Visual Awards.

The 2019 survey includes a question in relation to the establishment of the Valencian Audio-Visual Academy (AVAV), founded in July of 2018, regarding its relevance in promoting the Valencian audio-visual industry and improving the reputation of the professions related to this sector.