doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 41-61 | 51

July-December of 2020

María Soler-Campillo, Esteban Galán-Cubillo and Javier Marzal-Felici

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

In short, the scant response of communication professionals to successive surveys is also believed to indicate the lack of awareness of the communication sector itself regarding the relevance of this service in the society in which we live, an issue that seems to be highly troublesome, in our view: in fact, the lack of corporate culture is evident even among communicators themselves.

3.2. News coverage of the RTVV closure in the 2015 and 2017 surveys

This study was designed at the beginning of 2015, which coincided with a change in government in the Valencian Autonomous Region that included a promise to restore public service broadcasting. In July of 2015, the first online survey was carried out, with special emphasis on the perception of the news coverage of the RTVV closure by the main paper and digital format newspapers in Spain and the Autonomous Region of Valencia. The survey was aimed at the different groups that comprise the Valencian Audio-Visual Sector Board (MESAV). Moreover, the questionnaire was carried out again in 2017 with the following results.

In 2015 and 2017, 96% of those surveyed stated that they had followed the RTVV closure through the analogue and digital press since the time the announcement was made of its closure, and 40% stated that they were involved in reporting the process. When asked if the media had rigorously covered the RTVV closure, the coincidence was nearly identical for the results of the surveys in 2015 and 2017: 18 and 19% respectively, described it as “not at all rigorous”; 36 and 35% of the respondents considered it to be not very rigorous; and 34 and 37% were neutral in their opinion; 11and 12% said the press covered the situation fairly rigorously; and only 1 and 1% said it had been rigorous.

Graph 5. Percentages regarding the perception of rigour in the news coverage of the RTVV closure

Created by the authors

The 2015 and 2017 surveys included questions regarding the focus of both the paper-based and digital press in reporting on the closure, highlighting the following arguments: