28 | 31, pp. 19-39 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Learning about reputational risk in the era of Covid-19: disinformation as corporate risk

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Chart 3. Risk category within the risk architecture

Source: Prepared by the author

Regarding the categorisation of risk, the most frequently mentioned classification among the professionals is reputation risk (Chart 3), which thereby affects the foundations on which the trust of all audiences is established.

7.3. Spanish companies faced with a disinformation crisis

Chart 4. Importance of this risk within the company

Source: Prepared by the author

With regard to the level of debate within the organization, we find that 60% of the companies talk about the danger that a disinformation crisis might pose for the reputation of the business (Chart 4). Oddly enough, this result contrasts with the prevailing perception of professionals, 98% of whom warn that this is a clear and present danger. However, a significant percentage of companies still do not see this as a priority issue.