doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 207-238 | 213

July-December of 2020

Ana Isabel Cea Navas and Sergio García Rubio

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Cover shot

Image: object or character that is not the central one (related to the scene).

-Technical use (avoiding the jump cut).

-Inform or introduce elements of interest.

Reaction shot

Image: stimulus-character’s response to the scene before an event or another’s action.

-Expressive function.

Connection shot

Image: character looking at something and object or subject that is being observed.

-Narrative function.

Insert shot




Image: resource used by a character.

-Descriptive function (informs).

Image: character and their impact on the action.

-Expressive function Connect with the main action.

Image: isolated part of a scene.

-Narrative function.

-Used humorously or as an ironic counter-argument.

Source: based on Salt’s (2006) and Brown’s (2008) classification of frames

Despite analysing the use of all these frames, we will examine the use of close-ups since it is the scale that most influences the audience’s emotions as they can easily observe the character’s expressions. Although there are a large number of frames, close-ups have the most dramatic influence on the film and can capture the audience’s attention: “the stronger the reason for using a close-up, the more this frame will help to create a more effective storyline” (Mascelli, 1965: 195).

The information about the types of frames used in each of the chosen footage is collected in analysis sheets-tables 3-. This enables us to find out the most used shots and the number of times they are used. In the results section, the percentages referring to this unit of analysis will be shown in graphs.

3 We have not specifically provided all the tables by film studied in this publication, due to their length, but we will state the most significant data accompanying them with a graph that shows the percentages that summarise the presence and/or repetition of the use of stagesetting.