doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 207-238 | 235

July-December of 2020

Ana Isabel Cea Navas and Sergio García Rubio

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Here the protagonist comes full circle. K has taken control and has stopped submitting to others’ orders; he has renounced being a machine for a human being.

3.4.3. The lighting

The lighting in Blade Runner 2049 has a double meaning; on the one hand, by being a science fiction film, its main objective is to shape and make the futuristic atmosphere believable. On the other hand, it provides a dramatic meaning that emphasizes the intentionality of the light. An example of this is to give the city of Los Angeles, where the action takes place, a depressing and post-apocalyptic sense, in keeping with a space full of neon signs, which are antagonistic in the dark environment, at the same time they are a representation of the excessive technologisation of a decadent society (figure 40), which is why artificial lights are also used. Following the same line of this treatment of the light as an expressive element, it is important to highlight various images in which Wallace (Jared Leto) appears. This character plays the villain and is shown in semi-darkness and sometimes even becomes a shadow or silhouette (Figure 41).

Spotlighting is used to light up the actors’ faces. This has particular relevance in the scene we referred to above that directly affects K’s main character when he takes control of his life and risks taking on responsibility for his own decisions as a human being. This spotlighting highlights the change and final development of the character (see figures 38 and 39). Besides, the use of backlighting recurs throughout the film. Some examples: K believes he is the child born (see figure 33); K finds the whereabouts of Deckard (see figure 31).

Deakins works with light to play a role in the story; it is an active part of the action and could be considered another character. Here, it is necessary to highlight the scene that recreates an Elvis concert through a hologram, where we can see the backlit silhouette of K (figure 42) and immediately after, through a set of lights that go off and on in tenths of seconds, K disappears completely (figure 43).

Source: Fotograma Blade Runner 2049

Source: Fotograma Blade Runner 2049

Figure 40. Futurist City (L. A)

Figure 41. Wallace in semi-darknesst