234 | 31, pp. 207-238 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Study on the cinematographic image composition: frame, light, and colour as expressive elements...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Finally, we must refer to the presence of blue. In this case, it is associated with the change that the characters experience when they begin to live. First, we see this with Joi (in a blue dress), a hologram that can only move around one room but will manage to move freely thanks to the machine K acquires (figure 37). Again this tone is used when K discovers that he is not the replicant’s son. His image is impregnated with a magenta light (figure 38), although by helping Deckard, he can make his own decisions, a scene in which the lighting that hovers over him is tinged with blue. (Figure 39).

Source: Fotograma Blade Runner 2049

Figure 39. The image in blue: K’s decision

Source: Fotograma Blade Runner 2049

Source: Fotograma Blade Runner 2049

Figure 37. Joi in a blue dress

Figure 38. Image of K tinged in Magenta

Source: Fotograma Blade Runner 2049

Source: Fotograma Blade Runner 2049

Figure 35. K’s departure, light snow coverage

Figure 36. K finds out the truth