144 | 29, pp. 139-159 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

Portrayal of the journalist in Spanish cinema from 1990 to 2010

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

The indications Pr and Sec have been used for primary and secondary characters, respectively.

The films were sorted chronologically according to the periods establised in this research: Post-War POS (from 1942 to 1959), Developmentalism DEV (from 1960 to 1974), Transition and the 1980s TRA (from 1975 to 1989), Modernity MOD (from 1990 to 1999), Recent years (RY) (from 2000 to 2012). In this way, and according to the objectives, the evolution of the morphology of the reporter will be verified.

The following is a general outline of the functions of the journalist’s morphology in Spanish films. The information gathered in the third area (heroes and villains) will be used for the objectives, results and discussion parts of this research.


First area: section in which the journalist works in their media

Function I. Definition: entertainment. Designated with A

Function II. Definition: events. Designated with B

Function III. Definition: research, policy. Designated with C

Function: IV. Definition: commitment. Designated with D

Function V. Definition: war. Designated with E

Function VI. Definition: biography. Designated with F

Function VII. Definition: paranormal phenomena. Designated with G

Function VIII. Definition: director, boss. Appointed with H

Function IX. Definition: scholarship holder. Designated with I

Second area: personality

Function X. Definition: male emotional imbalance, drama, thriller, terror. With J

Function XI. Definition: female emotional imbalance, drama, thriller, terror. With K

Function XII. Definition: male emotional imbalance, comedy. Designated with L

Function XIII. Definition: female emotional imbalance, comedy. Designated with M

Function XIV. Definition: work-related stress. Designated with N

Function XV. Definition: love. Designated with O

Function XVI. Definition: lack of love. Designated with P

Third area: heroes and villains

Function XVII. Definition: hero, righteousness, virtue. Designated with Q

Function XVIII. Definition: hero, truth, danger. Designated with R

Function XIX. Definition: hero, unlikeliness. Designated with S