92 | 29, pp. 75-95 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

Survival in the TV series “La que se avecina” of the stereotypes against women denounced by Simone de Beauvoir

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

8.- It concludes with the need to continue investigating the real influence that this type of content generates on the shaping of the identity of teenagers in order to close the door to models of behaviour that may settle in the symbolic field of younger audiences. A need under the State Pact against Gender Violence itself, the 46th amendments sets out “to promote collaboration agreements with professional audio visual writers’ associations and trade unions, to encourage the disappearance of stereotypes and prejudices form the women’s image, to value the capacities of women in order to eradicate the image of inequality and involve them in the fight against sexism”.

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