38 | 29, pp. 19-41 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

What does the digital press talk about when it talks about nutrition? An analysis of elpais.com...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

The data leaves no room for doubt on the intention of both newspapers to offer its readers abundant information on nutrition. However, although elpais.com seems to be more involved than lavanguardia.com in how this content is treated with a greater spread of sources and own authorship, which could explain the greater participation from its readers, it might be said that specialisation is still a challenge that the media must assume. In any case, the limitations of this study cannot be ignored, as it is bound to just two newspapers. Nutrition and its health implications require greater depth and responsibility from the media, and it is the academic community’s duty to continue investigating these topics and digging into how the media treat them.

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