30 | 29, pp. 19-41 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

What does the digital press talk about when it talks about nutrition? An analysis of elpais.com...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Elpais.com compiles content in the “Buenavida” section of the monthly publication with the same name, first produced in 2014, aiming to become the El País well-being supplement. The texts in this section also adopt the current journalistic fashion of using lists: “These are the eight diets that promise the best results” (26/01/2017), “Seven supposedly healthy drinks that are no better than cola” (02/02/2017), “12 amazing photos that show us what food is like before harvesting” (02/03/2017).

“De mamás y de papás” is a section dedicated to different aspects of parenthood, including child nutrition: “Making your child clean their plate affects their health” (09/01/2017), “Children that drink juice every day don’t get fat, or do they?” (03/04/2017). Standing third in terms of number of articles from elpais.com, “Nutrir con ciencia”, is a section “on food based on scientific evidence and proven specialist knowledge”. These specialists include nutritionists and spokespersons such as Julio Basulto - “An unexpected catastrophe called ‘energy drinks’” (22/02/2017), Laura Saavedra “Our food is increasingly safer but less healthy” (14/03/2017) or Aitor Sánchez “Gluten-free diets, where’s the fire?” (30/03/2017).

“Vivo. Gente smart” is a lavanguardia.com channel devoted to themes such as lifestyle, psychology, motherhood/fatherhood, sex or pets that makes room for 41% of the articles on nutrition in this newspaper. Most of these texts allude to diets: “Why do we need more zinc in our diet?” (05/01/2017) or eating habits: “This is how long we should spend eating” (15/08/2017).

87% of the texts on nutrition in lavanguardia.com are grouped into the aforementioned section and also “Vida” and “Comer”. The web for this newspaper considers “Vida” a section, whilst “Vivo” or “Comer” would be considered as channels. In any case, contents relating to nutrition framed in these three fields do not differ a great deal. So, while “What you need to know to keep your cholesterol under control” (23/03/2017) appears in “Vivo”, “Six strange foods that your body needs” (19/03/2017) is found in “Vida” and “This is what makes a super-food” (19/03/2017) is in “Comer”.

Table 7: Genres used





















Source: Compiled by author.

In both online newspapers, reporting is far and away the most used genre in the field of nutrition, standing at over 60%. This is a much higher percentage than detected in the SAM Report (2008) nine years ago for El País (5%) and La Vanguardia (13%). The data also contrasts with analysis by Demonte (2017) that points towards the news brief as the most used genre.