20 | 29, pp. 19-41 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

What does the digital press talk about when it talks about nutrition? An analysis of elpais.com...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978


News on nutrition has become a regular feature on the media agenda. This paper analyses characteristics of texts on this topic published during 2017 in the digital editions of El País and La Vanguardia, the two newspapers with the widest circulation in Spain. The study looked in greater depth at aspects such as the main topics being addressed, authorship, genres and headlines of the texts, framing, sources and the number of comments from readers. The two chosen newspapers reveal considerable differences in matters such as quantity of sources used or the number of comments that are generated by this type of news. The conclusions from this study include the appearance of specific sections dedicated to nutrition and a shortfall in journalistic specialisation in this field.


Nutrition, online newspapers, framing, sources, journalistic genres.


Las noticias sobre nutrición se han convertido en habituales en la agenda de los medios de comunicación. El presente artículo ana-liza las características de los textos sobre dicha temática publica-dos a lo largo de 2017 en las ediciones digitales de El País y La Van-guardia, los dos diarios con mayor difusión en España. El estudio ha profundizado en aspectos tales como las principales temáticas abordadas, las autorías, los géneros y la titulación de los textos, los encuadres, las fuentes y el número de comentarios aportados por los lectores. Los dos medios seleccionados muestran notables dife-rencias en cuestiones tales como la cantidad de fuentes empleadas o en el número de comentarios que generaron este tipo de noticias. La aparición de secciones específicas dedicadas a la nutrición y un déficit en la especialización periodística en este campo son dos de las conclusiones de este estudio.

Palabras clave

Nutrición, diarios online, framing, fuentes, géneros periodísticos.

Received: 29/04/2019 - Accepted: 19/11/2019

Recibido: 29/04/2019 - Aceptado: 19/11/2019

Iñigo Marauri Castillo. Passistant Professor in the Journalism II Department of the University of the Basque Country. After fifteen years of professional experience at El Correo, El País and Consumer Eroski, his teaching and research work covers areas such as adapting journalistic writing to the Internet, specialised journalism, particularly accidents and crimes, service journalism, and corporate communication. He has published around a dozen articles in the main communication journals in Spain. He forms part of the consolidated MediaIker research group (ref. GIU16/08) and is a member of the project team funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness on “Food Safety and cyber-media: topics, new sources and services” (ref. CSO2017-82853-R). He has taken part in four other research projects funded through competitive tenders, the last of which involved working jointly with the Eroski Foundation, also related to providing adequate information on food.

University of the Basque Country, Spain

[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-0883-8003

María del Mar Rodríguez González. Adjunct Professor in the Journalism II Department of the University of the Basque Country. She is a member of the consolidated MediaIker research group (ref. GIU16/08) and part of project team funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness on “Food Safety and cyber-media: topics, new sources and services” (ref. CSO2017-82853-R). She has taken part in two other research projects. Her lines of research, which have produced over 15 articles in the main Spanish communication journals, have focussed on corporate communication, particularly on crisis communication, accident and crime journalism and the impact of the Internet on service journalism, a field where she worked for over 10 years as a content manager for www.consumer.es.

University of the Basque Country, Spain

[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-9121-1468