Álvarez Villa, ÀngelsMercado Sáez, María TeresaUCH. Departamento de Comunicación e Información PeriodísticaUCH. Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad2015-11-242015-11-242011-01-01Álvarez, À. y Mercado, M.T. (2011). "News values, frames and rare diseases". En Bañón Hernández, A.M., Fornieles Alcaraz, J., Solves Almela, J.A. y Rius Sanchis, I. (coords.). Communications strategies and challenges for rare diseases : medical research as a referent : a quantitative-discursive study of Spanish printed and digital written press (2009-2010) (pp. 89-110). Valencia : Centre for Biomedical Network Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER).9788469405956.http://hdl.handle.net/10637/7805As has already been explained, news values (meaning the importance criteria involved in selecting a fact) are used by journalists to choose the information texts or news that they are going to publish and thus to define which kind of events are sufficiently interesting and significant to become news and which are not. This selection and control process, which entails a form of processing reality, marks public agendas, social imaginaries, the public opinion, symbols and traditions, ultimately the way we see the world (Martini, 2000). The news values considered in this piece of research are the ones defined by Carl Warren when he detailed the characteristics that an event has to involve in order to become news (Warren, 1975): novelty, proximity, relevance (hierarchical level), oddity, conflict, suspense, emotion or human interest (drama), consequences or significance. For the purposes of the research the suspense criterion was ruled out and the last of the ones consideredby this North American is extended. Significance can therefore stem from the number of people involved, the impact on the country or the future development, based on the revision of news values made by Mauro Wolf (1991: 212-214).application/pdfspopen accessPeriódico de Cataluña, El (Newspaper) - Content analysis - Spain.Mundo, El (Newspaper) - Content analysis - Spain.País, El (Newspaper) - Content analysis - Spain.ABC (Newspaper) - Content analysis - Spain.ABC (Periódico) - Análisis de contenido - España.País, El (Periódico) - Análisis de contenido - España.Mundo, El (Periódico) - Análisis de contenido - España.Vanguardia, La (Periódico) - Análisis de contenido - España.Vanguardia, La (Newspaper) - Content analysis - Spain.Público (Periódico) - Análisis de contenido - España.Público (Newspaper) - Content analysis - Spain.Noticias.Enfermedades raras - España.Press - Conten analysis - Spain.Prensa - Análisis de contenido - España.Rare diseases - Spain.Periódicos - Análisis de contenido - España.Newspapers - Content analysis - Spain.News.News values, frames and rare diseasesCommunications strategies and challenges for rare diseases : medical research as a referent : a quantitative-discursive study of Spanish printed and digital written press (2009-2010)Capítulohttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.es