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Skin prick test of Kudoa sp. antigens in patients with gastrointestinal and/or allergic symptoms related to fish ingestión

Título : Skin prick test of Kudoa sp. antigens in patients with gastrointestinal and/or allergic symptoms related to fish ingestión
Autor : Martínez de Velasco, Gonzalo
Rodero, M.
Cuéllar, Carmen
Chivato Pérez, Tomás
Mateos, José María
Laguna, Rafael
Materias: Parasitología
Resumen : A majority of Kudoa spp. infects the somatic muscle of fish establishing cysts. Previously, elevated humoral responses were detected in BALB/c mice immunised with Kudoa sp. pseudocyst extracts and in BALB/c mice orally inoculated with Kudoa sp. pseudocysts, as well as the presence of anti-Kudoa sp. antibodies in human sera by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The objective of this work was to test Kudoa sp. pseudocyst extracts by the skin prick test. Fifteen patients with gastroallergic and/or allergic symptoms related to fish ingestion were examined. Kudoa sp. pseudocyst extracts were administered (1 mg/ml) on the volar forearm skin. Four of the 15 selected patients were positive to Kudoa sp. extracts. The saline solution negative control did not induce any reaction.
Descripción : En: Parasitology research. eISSN 1432-1955. vol. 103, 2008, págs 713-715.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10637/5556
Derechos: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.es
Fecha de publicación : 7-nov-2008
Centro : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Aparece en las colecciones: Medicina

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