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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.creatorPrados, M. Concepciónes
dc.creatorÁlvarez Sala, Rodolfo-
dc.creatorBlasco, Rafael-
dc.creatorChivato Pérez, Tomás-
dc.creatorGarcía Satué, José L.-
dc.creatorGarcía Río, Francisco J.-
dc.creatorGómez de Terreros, F. Javier-
dc.creatorVillamor, José-
dc.descriptionEn: Cancer. ISSN 0008-543x. vol. 74, n. 5, 1994, págs 1552-1555.es
dc.description.abstractBackground. Neuron-specific enolase (NSE) is used in the staging and monitoring of responses to therapy and the detection of recurrences in lung cancer. The diagnostic value of NSE has been under discussion. This may he because NSE usually has been studied in the sera of patients with bronchogenic carcinoma and not in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Methods. The NSE levels in the BAL of three groupscontrol subjects, patients with chronic bronchitis, and patients with tumors-were analyzed. The fluid obtained was centrifuged. The NSE was analyzed in the supernatant of the BAL (NSE, Pharmacia, Columbia, MD). Its concentrations were calculated in relation to milligrams of total protein. Results. A significant difference was noted in the level ofNSE in the BAL of the tumor group compared with those of the other two groups. No differences were observed between the other two groups or between healthy smokers and nonsmokers. No correlation was found with the histologic type of pulmonary carcinoma and NSE levels in BAL. The NSE levels were higher in the lavages of patients with primary pulmonary carcinomas than in those with metastases. Conclusions. Neuron-specific enolase could be of aid in the early diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodules and lung cancer. More studies would be required to identify a correlation between NSE levels in BAL and those in serum, or between NSE levels in BAL and tumor size and location and disease stage of lung cancer.en_EN
dc.subjectMarcadores tumoraleses
dc.subjectLung canceren_EN
dc.subjectBronchoalveolar lavageen_EN
dc.subjectNeuron-specific enolaseen_EN
dc.subjectlung canceren_EN
dc.titleThe clinical value of neuron-spedific ennolase as a tumor marcker in bronchoalveolar lavagees
europeana.dataProviderUNIVERSIDAD SAN PABLO CEU-
dc.centroUniversidad San Pablo-CEU-
Aparece en las colecciones: Medicina

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