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dc.contributor.otherUniversidad San Pablo-CEU. Facultad de Derecho.-
dc.creatorAlonso Marcos, Antonio-
dc.identifier.citationAlonso Marcos, Antonio. Some Keys to Understand Social Changes at the Contemporary History. Fecha: 2021. Editorial: Dykinson- ISBN: 9788413778143es_ES
dc.description.abstractSince the very beginning of History, human being has changed, has evolved, not only as an individual person but also as a society. It is obvious that the current world has little to do with the world before 1789. A further reflection on how it happened and what are the main drivers of our societies is necessary. What is the origin of our materialism? Why do we usually have only one child in Western countries (or even none, but one or more pets), while other societies use to have more than three per couple? How social movements such as socialism, feminism or environmentalism started? This book wants to show how our present and future can be explained only if we pay attention to our past, to our History. A methodological and pedagogical approach to our recent History can explain better why the real world is as it is in fact. Although it is evident that a change in people’s mind started with the French Revolution, it is crucial to understand which events led to that situation, what kind of people managed them, why did they do it and whither they wanted to lead the entire humanity. In the following pages, the reader can find some shocking sentences, as sometimes History was not taught really well at the schools. Our minds are plenty of prejudices, false conceptions or even misconceptions due to that. Also, sometimes happens that Historical researches get conclusions completely different to the previous ones, which were studied as a dogma.en_EN
dc.titleSome keys to understand social changes at the contemporary historyen_EN
dc.centroUniversidad San Pablo-CEU-
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Derecho

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