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dc.contributor.otherUCH. Departamento de Ciencias Biomédicas-
dc.contributor.otherUCH. Departamento de Enfermería y Fisioterapia-
dc.contributor.otherProducción Científica UCH 2023-
dc.creatorBiviá Roig, Gemma-
dc.creatorLisón Párraga, Juan Francisco-
dc.creatorSánchez Zuriaga, Daniel-
dc.identifier.citationBiviá-Roig, G., Lisón, J.F. & Sánchez-Zuriaga, D. (2023). Biomechanical analysis of breastfeeding positions and their effects on lumbopelvic curvatures and lumbar muscle responses. Applied Ergonomics, vol. 110, art. 104029 (jul.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2023.104029es_ES
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to analyze the position of the lumbopelvic region and lumbar muscle activity in the most common breastfeeding positions. We recorded the curvatures of the lumbar spine and pelvis by means of an electrogoniometer, and the muscle activation levels of the erector spinae with electromyography, in 34 women in erect standing and breastfeeding their children in several positions. Both side lying and clutch-hold positions showed a greater degree of lumbar spine flexion compared to standing. In all sitting postures it was observed that the pelvis was placed in retroversion when compared to standing and side lying. In muscle activity, it was observed that the activation intensity of the right erector in the right side-supported side lying position was significantly lower compared to the rest of breastfeeding postures and standing. Side lying may be a better position to avoid muscle fatigue.es_ES
dc.relationEste artículo de investigación ha sido financiado por la Universitat de Valéncia (UV-INV-AE16- 495476; ‘‘Estudio de la función lumbopélvica para el tratamiento del dolor lumbar en el embarazo y la lactancia’’) y por la Generalitat Valenciana (Subvenciones para grupos de investigación emergentes-GV/2020/133).-
dc.relationUCH. Financiación Autonómica-
dc.relation.ispartofApplied Ergonomics, vol. 110-
dc.rightsOpen Access-
dc.subjectLactancia materna-
dc.subjectBreast feeding-
dc.subjectSalud de la mujer-
dc.subjectWomens health-
dc.titleBiomechanical analysis of breastfeeding positions and their effects on lumbopelvic curvatures and lumbar muscle responseses_ES
dc.relation.projectIDUV-INV-AE16- 495476-
dc.centroUniversidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU-
Aparece en las colecciones: Dpto. Enfermería y Fisioterapia

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