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dc.contributor.otherUCH. Departamento de Producción y Sanidad Animal, Salud Pública Veterinaria y Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos-
dc.contributor.otherProducción Científica UCH 2022-
dc.creatorXu, Zhihong-
dc.creatorMacIntosh, Andrew J. J.-
dc.creatorCastellano Navarro, Alba-
dc.creatorMacanás Martínez, Emilio-
dc.creatorSuzumura, Takafumi-
dc.creatorDuboscq, Julie-
dc.identifier.citationXu, Z., MacIntosh, A. J. J., Castellano-Navarro, A., Macanás-Martínez, E., Suzumura, T. & Duboscq, J. (2022). Linking parasitism to network centrality and the impact of sampling bias in its interpretation. PeerJ, vol. 10, art. e14305 (18 nov.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.14305-
dc.identifier.issn2167-8359 (Electrónico)-
dc.descriptionEste artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL: https://peerj.com/articles/14305/#-
dc.description.abstractGroup living is beneficial for individuals, but also comes with costs. One such cost is the increased possibility of pathogen transmission because increased numbers or frequencies of social contacts are often associated with increased parasite abundance or diversity. The social structure of a group or population is paramount to patterns of infection and transmission. Yet, for various reasons, studies investigating the links between sociality and parasitism in animals, especially in primates, have only accounted for parts of the group (e.g., only adults), which is likely to impact the interpretation of results. Here, we investigated the relationship between social network centrality and an estimate of gastrointestinal helminth infection intensity in a whole group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). We then tested the impact of omitting parts of the group on this relationship. We aimed to test: (1) whether social network centrality in terms of the number of partners (degree), frequency of interactions (strength), and level of social integration (eigenvector) was linked to parasite infection intensity (estimated by eggs per gram of faeces, EPG); and, (2) to what extent excluding portions of individuals within the group might influence the observed relationship. We conducted social network analysis on data collected from one group of Japanese macaques over three months on Koshima Island, Japan. We then ran a series of knock-out simulations. General linear mixed models showed that, at the whole-group level, network centrality was positively associated with geohelminth infection intensity. However, in partial networks with only adult females, only juveniles, or random subsets of the group, the strength of this relationship - albeit still generally positive - lost statistical significance. Furthermore, knock-out simulations where individuals were removed but network metrics were retained from the original whole-group network showed that these changes are partly a power issue and partly an effect of sampling the incomplete network. Our study indicates that sampling bias can thus hamper our ability to detect real network effects involving social interaction and parasitism. In addition to supporting earlier results linking geohelminth infection to Japanese macaque social networks, this work introduces important methodological considerations for research into the dynamics of social transmission, with implications for infectious disease epidemiology, population management, and health interventions.-
dc.relationEste artículo de investigación ha sido apoyado por una beca de la empresa Sumitomo Corporation, de la Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (16H06181, 20H03333 y P17093), de la German Research Foundation (AM 409/4-1) y de la Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU (INDI 15/12, CEINDO 16/17).-
dc.relationUCH. Financiación Universidad-
dc.relation.ispartofPeerJ : the Journal of Life & Environmental Sciences, vol. 10 (18 nov. 2022)-
dc.subjectMacacos - Hábitos y conducta.-
dc.subjectMacaques - Behavior.-
dc.subjectCommunicable diseases - Transmission.-
dc.subjectRedes sociales.-
dc.subjectMacacos - Enfermedades parasitarias.-
dc.subjectMacaques - Parasitic diseases.-
dc.subjectSocial networks.-
dc.subjectEnfermedades - Transmisión.-
dc.titleLinking parasitism to network centrality and the impact of sampling bias in its interpretation-
dc.relation.projectIDINDI 15/12-
dc.relation.projectIDCEINDO 16/17-
dc.centroUniversidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU-
Aparece en las colecciones: Dpto. Producción y Sanidad Animal, Salud Pública Veterinaria y Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos

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