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dc.creatorJevtic, Ruzica-
dc.creatorYlitolva, Marko-
dc.creatorCalonge, Clara-
dc.creatorOjanen, Martti-
dc.creatorSantti, Tero-
dc.descriptionEn: IEEE Transactions on very large Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 29, n. 6, 1061-1072 pp, june 2021-
dc.description.abstractThe security of IoT devices is becoming a major concern in industry. Noninvasive side-channel attacks pose a serious threat as they are capable of extracting secret information from distance while using low-cost equipment. In this article, we propose an efficient countermeasure technique against the electromagnetic (EM) side-channel attacks. The technique is applied to switched-capacitor (SC) dc–dc converters and is based on amplitude modulation of the load signal by the converter capacitance that acts as a carrier. We verify the proposed technique by using a reliable evaluation metric that predicts the correlation between the encryption secret key and the attacker’s measured signal. The results show that the proposed technique can achieve cross correlation coefficients as low as 0.2, disabling the attacker from extracting the sensitive information. In addition, test vector leakage assessment (TVLA) ρ-test indicates that the number of leaky points for advanced encryption standard (AES) execution drops from 62 for unprotected circuit to zero for the circuit secured by the proposed technique. TVLA t-statistic is decreased by three orders of magnitude in the protected AES execution.en_EN
dc.subjectAmplitude modulation (AM)en_EN
dc.subjectSecurity, side-channel attacksen_EN
dc.subjectSwitched-capacitor (SC)en_EN
dc.subjectDc–dc convertersen_EN
dc.titleEM Side-Channel Countermeasure for Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converters Based on Amplitude Modulation.en-En
dc.centroUniversidad San Pablo-CEU-
Aparece en las colecciones: Escuela de Politécnica Superior

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