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dc.contributor.otherProducción Científica UCH 2020-
dc.contributor.otherUCH. Departamento de Odontología-
dc.creatorRuiz Sánchez, Celia-
dc.creatorFaus Llácer, Vicente-
dc.creatorFaus Matoses, Ignacio-
dc.creatorZubizarreta Macho, Álvaro-
dc.creatorSauro, Salvatore.-
dc.creatorFaus Matoses, Vicente-
dc.identifier.citationRuiz-Sánchez, C., Faus-Llácer, V., Faus-Matoses, I., Zubizarreta-Macho, Á., Sauro, S. & Faus-Matoses, V. (2020). The influence of NiTi alloy on the cyclic fatigue resistance of endodontic files. Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 9, i. 11 (21 nov.), art. 3755. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm9113755-
dc.identifier.issn2077-0383 (Electrónico).-
dc.descriptionEste artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/9/11/3755-
dc.descriptionEste artículo pertenece al número especial "Root Canal Treatment (RCT): latest advances and prospects".-
dc.description.abstractBackground: The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of NiTi alloy in endodontic rotary instruments on cyclic fatigue resistance. Methods: One hundred and sixty-four (164) sterile endodontic rotary files were selected and distributed into the following study groups: A: 25.08 F2 ProTaper Universal (PTU) (n = 41); B: 25.06 X2 ProTaper Next (PTN) (n = 41); C: 25.08 F2 ProTaper Gold (PTG) (n = 41), and D: 25.06 ProFile Vortex Blue (PVB) (n = 41). A cyclic fatigue device was designed to conduct the static cyclic fatigue tests with stainless steel artificial root canals systems with 250 m apical diameter, 60 curvature angle, 5 mm radius of curvature, 20 mm length, and 6% (25.06) and 8% taper (25.08). Failure of the endodontic rotary instrument was detected by a single operator through direct observation and was also filmed to allow measurement of the exact time to failure. Results were analyzed using the ANOVA test and Weibull statistical analysis. Results: All pairwise comparisons presented statistically significant di erences between the time to failure for the NiTi alloy study groups (p < 0.001), except between the PTN and PVB study groups (p = 0.379). In addition, statistically significant di erences between the number of cycles to failure for the NiTi alloy study groups (p < 0.001) were also observed. Conclusions: The NiTi CM-Gold wire alloy of the ProTaper Gold endodontic rotary files resulted in greater resistance to cyclic fatigue than ProFile Vortex Blue, ProTaper Next, and ProTaper Universal endodontic rotary files.-
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 9, n. 11.-
dc.subjectTerapéutica dental - Aparatos y material.-
dc.subjectTeeth - Roots - Planing.-
dc.subjectDental therapeutics - Equipment and supplies.-
dc.subjectDientes - Cavidades - Preparación.-
dc.subjectAleaciones en odontología.-
dc.subjectNíquel - Aplicaciones en Odontología.-
dc.subjectTitanio - Aplicaciones en Odontología.-
dc.subjectTitanium in Dentistry.-
dc.subjectNickel in Dentistry.-
dc.subjectDental metallurgy.-
dc.titleThe influence of NiTi alloy on the cyclic fatigue resistance of endodontic files-
dc.centroUniversidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU-
Aparece en las colecciones: Dpto. Odontología

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