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dc.contributor.otherProducción Científica UCH 2020-
dc.contributor.otherUCH. Departamento de Medicina y Cirugía Animal-
dc.creatorCuervo Serrato, Belén-
dc.creatorRubio Zaragoza, Mónica.-
dc.creatorChicharro Alcántara, Deborah-
dc.creatorDamiá Giménez, Elena-
dc.creatorSantana, Angelo-
dc.creatorCarrillo Poveda, José María.-
dc.creatorRomero Martínez, Ayla del-
dc.creatorSopena Juncosa, Joaquín Jesús.-
dc.identifier.citationCuervo, B., Rubio, M., Chicharro, D., Damiá, E., Santana, A., Carrillo, J.M., et al. (2020). Objective comparison between platelet rich plasma alone and in combination with physical therapy in dogs with osteoarthritis caused by hip dysplasia. Animals, vol. 10, i. 2 (21 jan.), art. 175. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ani10020175-
dc.identifier.issn2076-2615 (Electrónico).-
dc.descriptionEste artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/10/2/175-
dc.descriptionEste artículo pertenece al número especial "Sports medicine and rehabilitation in companion animals: from lameness diagnosis to treatment and prevention".-
dc.description.abstractOsteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most significant joint diseases worldwide. There are di erent therapies for OA treatment, and a relatively new strategy is the use of plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF), a platelet rich plasma (PRP) derivative. The objective of this study was to objectively assess the e cacy and duration of the e ect of an intraarticular injection of PRGF and a combination of PRGF + physical therapy. The objective assessment was provided using a force platform. The obtained parameters were peak vertical force (PVF) and vertical impulse (VI). A total of 24 dogs with lameness and pain associated to OA attributable to bilateral hip dysplasia were included in the study. Animals were divided into two study groups and evaluated at baseline and at 30, 90, and 180 days after intraarticular PRGF or PRGF + physical therapy. Significant di erences were observed at every checkpoint with respect to basal time in both groups. However, after 180 days, the PRGF group showed a decrease in PVF and VI with respect to the values obtained at 90 days. However, the PRGF + physical therapy group maintained increased values of both PVF and VI values during the 180-day study period.-
dc.relation.ispartofAnimals, vol. 10, n. 2.-
dc.subjectFisioterapia veterinaria.-
dc.subjectCadera - Displasia.-
dc.subjectPerros - Sistema musculoesquelético - Enfermedades - Tratamiento.-
dc.subjectBlood plasma - Therapeutic use.-
dc.subjectVeterinary physical therapy.-
dc.subjectPlasma sanguíneo - Uso terapéutico.-
dc.subjectHip joint - Dysplasia.-
dc.subjectCrecimiento - Factores - Uso terapéutico.-
dc.subjectGrowth factors - Therapeutic use.-
dc.subjectDogs - Musculoskeletal system - Diseases - Treatment.-
dc.titleObjective comparison between platelet rich plasma alone and in combination with physical therapy in dogs with osteoarthritis caused by hip dysplasia-
dc.centroUniversidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU-
Aparece en las colecciones: Dpto. Medicina y Cirugía Animal

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