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dc.creatorLópez Luna, Pilar-
dc.creatorHerrera Castillón, Emilio.-
dc.creatorMaier, Isabel-
dc.descriptionEn: Biology of the neonate, ISSN 0006-3126 1991. n. 60, pp 29-38-
dc.description.abstractThe present study in rats was aimed at determining the specific day of pregnancy on which maternal body fat accumulation starts and which tissues are involved. Most of the body weight increase at day 12 of gestation corresponded to conceptus-free maternal weight which progressively increased until the 19th day of gestation after which maternal weight stabilized and the rate of conceptus weight gain became maximal. Maternal carcass fat content progressively increased until day 18 of gestation, increased very markedly on day 19, stabilized between day 19 and 20 and then decreased on day 21. These changes were the opposite of the course of the specific-gravity values. The fresh weight oflumbar fat-pads and mesenteric adipose tissue reflected the changes in carcass fat content throughout gestation. Periuterine adipose-tissue mass declined on day 12 of gestation to be recuperated later, subcutaneous adipose tissue increased on day 12 to decline progressively thereafter and interscapular brown adipose tissue remained stable until day 20 and increased on day 21. With only a few exceptions, the lipid concentration in all these adipose tissues remained stable throughout gestation. Mammary glands and liver weights increased intensely from day 12 and, whereas the lipid concentration in the former was stable, in the latter it decreased on day 12 and increased on days 18 and 19. These results show that in the rat (a) maternal carcass fat accumulation during gestation is not paralleled by the size of the different fatstoring tissues and (b) mammary-gland fat accumulation also contributes to maternal fat storage.en_EN
dc.subjectCarcass faten_EN
dc.subjectAdipose tissueen_EN
dc.titleCarcass and tissue fat content in the pregnant rat.-
europeana.dataProviderUNIVERSIDAD SAN PABLO CEU-
dc.centroUniversidad San Pablo-CEU-
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Farmacia

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