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Comparing_Cruz_et_al_Fres_Bio_2022.png.jpg19-sep-2022Comparing morphological, parasitological, and genetic traits of an invasive minnow between intermittent and perennial stream reachesCruz Varona, Alejandra; Llinares, Carla; Martín-Barrio, Inés; Castillo-García, Gema; Arana, Pilar; García-Berthou, Emili; Fletcher, David H.; Almeida Real, DavidArtículo
Effects_Latorre_et_al_Acta_Zool_Bulg_2022.png.jpg10-mar-2022Effects of Habitat Structure and Feeding Habits on Productivity and Nestling Quality of Barn Owl Tyto alba (Scopoli, 1769) (Strigiformes: Tytonidae) in the Iberian PeninsulaLatorre, Dani; Merino-Aguirre, Raquel; Fletcher, David H.; Cruz Varona, Alejandra; Almeida Real, DavidArtículo
Fish_Almeida_et_al_Wiley_2023.png.jpg7-ago-2023Fish morphological and parasitological traits as ecological indicators of habitat quality in a Mediterranean coastal lagoonAlmeida Real, David; Cruz Varona, Alejandra; Llinares, Carla; Torralva, Mar; Lantero Bringas, Esther; Fletcher, David H.; Oliva-Paterna, Francisco J.Artículo
Review_Latorre_et_al_RevFish_BiolFish_2023.png.jpg15-mar-2023A review and meta‑analysis of the environmental biology of bleak Alburnus alburnus in its native and introduced ranges, with reflections on its invasivenessLatorre, Dani; Masó, Guillem; Cano‑Barbacil, Carlos; Zamora‑Marin, José M.; Almeida Real, David; Vilizzi, Lorenzo; Britton, J. Robert; Cruz Varona, Alejandra; Fernández‑Delgado, Carlos; González‑Rojas, Anni G.; Miranda, Rafael; Rubio‑Gracia, Francesc; Serhan Tarkan, Ali; Torralva, Mar; Vila‑Gispert, Anna; Copp, Gordon H.; Ribeiro, FilipeArtículo