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Fluorouracil_Agudo_Arias_Domingo_2009.PNG.jpg29-jun-20095-fluorouracil in lethal mutagenesis of foot-and-mouth disease virusAgudo Torres, Rubén; Arias, Armando; Domingo, EstebanArtículo
Multi-Step_Agudo_et_al_PlosPatho_2010.pdf.jpg26-ago-2010A Multi-Step Process of Viral Adaptation to a Mutagenic Nucleoside Analogue by Modulation of Transition Types Leads to Extinction-EscapeAgudo Torres, Rubén; Ferrer-Orta, Cristina; Arias, Armando; Higuera, Ignacio de la; Perales, Celia; Pérez-Luque, Rosa; Verdaguer, Nuria; Esteban, DomingoArtículo
Achieving_Agudo_Dor_Reetz_ChemBio_2012.pdf.jpg9-jul-2012Achieving Regio- and Enantioselectivity of P450-Catalyzed Oxidative CH Activation of Small Functionalized Molecules by Structure-Guided Directed EvolutionAgudo Torres, Rubén; Roiban, Gheorghe-Doru; Reetz, Manfred T.Artículo
Adult_Mendoza_et_al_Jour_CliViro_2023.pdf.jpg28-ago-2023Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma in HTLV-1 non-endemic regionsMendoza, Carmen de; Rando, Ariadna; Miró, Elisenda; Pena, María José; Rodríguez-Avial, Itziar; Ortega, Diego; González-Praetorius, Alejandro; Reina, Gabriel; Pintos, Ilduara; Pozuelo de Felipe, María José; Soriano, Vicente; HTLV Spanish NetworkArtículo
Pathogenic_Salinas_et_al_Water_Res_2021.pdf.jpg7-mar-2021Are pathogenic Legionella non-pneumophila a common bacteria in Water Distribution Networks?Salinas Granell, Mireya Beatriz; Fenoy Rodríguez, Soledad; Magnet, Angela; Vaccaro Muñoz, Lucianna Rosalía; Gomes, Thiago Santos; Hurtado Marcos, Carolina; Ollero Baceiredo, Dolores; Valdivieso Blanco, Elizabeth; Águila de la Puente, Carmen del; Pozuelo de Felipe, María José; Izquierdo Arias, FernandoArtículo
Artificial_Magnet_et_al_Parasites_Vector_2018.pdf.jpg22-ene-2018Can artificial tears prevent Acanthamoeba keratitis? An in vitro approach.Magnet, Angela; Gomes, Thiago Santos; Pardinas, Carmen; García de Blas, Natalia; Sádaba Argaiz, María Cruz; Carrillo, Eugenia; Izquierdo Arias, Fernando; Benítez del Castillo, José Manuel; Hurtado Marcos, Carolina; Águila de la Puente, Carmen del; Fenoy Rodríguez, SoledadArtículo
CH-activating_Doru_et_al_Chem_Comm_2014.pdf.jpg22-ago-2014CH-activating oxidative hydroxylation of 1-tetralones and related compounds with high regio- and stereoselectivityAgudo Torres, Rubén; Roiban, Gheorghe-Doru; Ilie, Adriana; Lonsdale, Richard; Reetz, Manfred T.Artículo
Counteracting_Perales_agudo_Domingo_PlosOne_2009.pdf.jpg14-may-2009Counteracting Quasispecies Adaptability: Extinction of a Ribavirin-Resistant Virus Mutant by an Alternative Mutagenic TreatmentPerales, Celia; Agudo Torres, Rubén; Domingo, EstebanArtículo
Cytochrome_Doru_Agudo_Reetz_Angewandte_2014.pdf.jpg2014Cytochrome P450 catalyzed oxidative hydroxylation of achiral organic compounds with simultaneous creation of two chirality centers in a single C-H activation stepRoiban, Gheorghe-Doru; Agudo Torres, Rubén; Reetz, Manfred T.Artículo
Designer_Agudo_Reetz_Camb_2013.PNG.jpg1-oct-2013Designer cells for stereocomplementary de novo enzymatic cascade reactions based on laboratory evolutionAgudo Torres, Rubén; Reetz, Manfred T.Artículo
Development_Saez_et_al_Sci_Repo_2019.pdf.jpg1-abr-2019Development of a fluorescence-based method for the rapid determination of Zika virus polymerase activity and the screening of antiviral drugsSáez Álvarez, Yanira; Arias, Armando; Del Águila, Carmen; Agudo Torres, RubénArtículo
Catalyzed_Ilie_et_al_Tetrah_Letters_2015.PNG.jpg21-mar-2015A diastereoselective P450-catalyzed epoxidation reaction: anti versus syn reactivityIlie, Adriana; Lonsdale, Richard; Agudo Torres, Rubén; Reetz, Manfred T.Artículo
Directed_Parra_Agudo_Reetz_ChemBio_2013.pdf.jpg25-nov-2013Directed Evolution by Using Iterative Saturation Mutagenesis Based on Multiresidue SitesAgudo Torres, Rubén; Parra, Loreto P.; Reetz, Manfred T.Artículo
Directed_Acevedo_Agudo_Reetz_JorBio_2014.PNG.jpg29-abr-2014Directed evolution of stereoselective enzymes based on geneticselection as opposed to screening systemsAcevedo-Rocha, Carlos G; Agudo Torres, Rubén; Reetz, Manfred T.Artículo
Engineering_Agudo_et_al_Nucl_Acids_Rese_2017.pdf.jpg26-jul-2017Engineering human PrimPol into an efficient RNA-dependent-DNA primase/polymeraseAgudo Torres, Rubén; Calvo, Patricia A.; Martínez Jiménez, María I.; Blanco, LuisArtículo
Foot_Sierra_et_al_Jor_Viro_2007.pdf.jpg6-dic-2006Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Mutant with Decreased Sensitivity to Ribavirin: Implications for Error CatastropheSierra, Macarena; Airaksinen, Antero; González-López, Claudia; Agudo Torres, Rubén; Arias, Armando; Domingo, EstebanArtículo
HTLV_Mendoza_et_al_Jou_ClinViro_2023.pdf.jpg21-nov-2023HTLV-1-associated myelopathy in SpainMendoza, Carmen de; Pérez, Leire; Rando, Ariadna; Reina, Gabriel; Aguilera, Antonio; Benito, Rafael; Eirós, José María; Rodríguez-Avial, Itziar; Ortega, Diego; Pozuelo de Felipe, María José; Pena, María José; Soriano, Vicente; HTLV Spanish NetworkArtículo
Identification_Garcia_et_al_Anti_Rese_2023.pdf.jpg24-feb-2023Identification of West Nile virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase non-nucleoside inhibitors by real-time high throughput fluorescence screeningGarcía Zarandieta, Marta; Quesada, Ernesto; Martínez Jiménez, María I.; Newnes, Crsitina V.; Fernández Caballero, Víctor; Sáez Álvarez, Yanira; Blázquez, Ana Belén; Escribano Romero, Estela; Sáiz, Juan Carlos; Del Águila, Carmen; Martín Acebes, Miguel A.; Pérez Pérez, María Jesús; Agudo Torres, RubénArtículo
Induced_Agudo_et_al_JACS_2013.PNG.jpg6-feb-2013Induced axial chirality in biocatalytic asymmetric ketone reductionAgudo Torres, Rubén; Roiban, Gheorghe-Doru; Reetz, Manfred T.Artículo
Influence_Gomes_et_al_Fron_Micro_2018.pdf.jpg5-dic-2018The Influence of Acanthamoeba-Legionella Interaction in the Virulence of Two Different Legionella SpeciesGomes, Thiago Santos; Gjiknuri, Julia; Magnet, Angela; Vaccaro Muñoz, Lucianna Rosalía; Ollero Baceiredo, Dolores; Izquierdo Arias, Fernando; Fenoy Rodríguez, Soledad; Hurtado Marcos, Carolina; Águila de la Puente, Carmen delArtículo