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1768Ensayo de la Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais : año 1766 : dedicado al Rey N. Señor.Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País; Guerrero, Francisco; Robles y Navarro, Tomás (Vitoria)Libro
Table matieres.pdf.jpg1769Histoire des Inquisitions, Où l'on rapporte l'origine & le progrès de ces Tribunaux, leurs variations, la forme de leur Jurisdiction, & l'Extrait du Manuel des Inquisiteurs. Tome Premier.-Libro
Table matieres.pdf.jpg1769Histoire des Inquisitions, Où l'on rapporte l'origine & le progrès de ces Tribunaux, leurs variations, la forme de leur Jurisdiction, & l'Extrait du Manuel des Inquisiteurs. Tome Second.Goujet, Claude PierreLibro
1769Histoire des Inquisitions, Où l'on rapporte l'origine & le progrès de ces Tribunaux, leurs variations, la forme de leur Jurisdiction, & l'Extrait du Manuel des Inquisiteurs. Tome Premier.Goujet, Claude PierreLibro
1769Histoire des Inquisitions, Où l'on rapporte l'origine & le progrès de ces Tribunaux, leurs variations, la forme de leur Jurisdiction, & l'Extrait du Manuel des Inquisiteurs. Tome Second.Goujet, Claude PierreLibro
GEV_81.pdf.jpg1770The cruel methods by which Mr. Nicholas Burton, an Englishman was tortured in the Inquisitorial prison at Cadiz previous to his martyrdomh.Stothard, ThomasGrabado
1775Apéndice a la educación popular. Parte primera, que contiene las reflexiones conducentes a entender el origen de la decadencia de los oficios y artes en España...-Libro
1776De divinis, apostolicis atque ecclesiaticis traditionibus... : in quibus fere universa Ecclesiae antiquitas circa dogmata apostolica orthodoxe elucidatur, auctore Martino Perezio Aiala... ; tomus I.Pérez de Ayala, Martín, Arzobispo de ValenciaLibro
1776De divinis, apostolicis atque ecclesiaticis traditionibus... : in quibus fere universa Ecclesiae antiquitas circa dogmata apostolica orthodoxe elucidatur, auctore Martino Perezio Aiala... ; tomus II.Pérez de Ayala, Martín, Arzobispo de ValenciaLibro
1778Estatutos de la Real Sociedad Patriotica de la M. N. Y M. L. ciudad de Sevilla y su reynado.Real Sociedad Patriótica (Sevilla)Libro
1778Colección universal de las Reales Órdenes que para el régimen del General Estudio de la Sertoriana Universidad literaria de la ciudad de Huesca, se ha servido comunicarla su Magestad Catholica, y Sñrs. del Rl. y Supremo Consejo de Castilla, en el feliz reynado de nuestro Catholico Monarca el Sñr. Carlos III hasta fin de diciembre del año 1778.EspañaLibro
GEV_44.pdf.jpg1780The portraits of the principal primitive reformers of various countries, to whom (under God) we are indebted for the glorious light of the protestant religion, with emblematical allusions to the vain attempts of the Pope, the frier & the Devil, to blow out or extinguish the pure light of the everlasting Gospel-Grabado
GEV_49.pdf.jpg1780The martyrdom of Mr John Badby in Smithfield where (while de Prior of St Bartholomen's attended with twelve Forches borne before him) Prince Henry son of Edward IV exhorted the godly martyrio recant ; Dr. John Hus (Pastor of Bethlchem in Bohemia & professor of philosophy in the University of Prague) going to seal the truth of his doctrines by martydom in the suburbs of Constance.-Grabado
GEV_47.pdf.jpg1780Martyrdom of Robt. Mills, Stephen Cotton, Robt. Dynes, Stepn. Wight, John Slade & Wm. Pikes at Brentford, in Middlesex (...)-Grabado
GEV_46.pdf.jpg1780Also other scenes shewing the cruel manner in which the protestans were dragged through bogs in Ireland, and hung on tenterhooks fastened to poles till they perished through pain and want of food-Grabado
GEV_42.pdf.jpg1780The procession of the officiers of the Spanish Inquisition conducting Mr. Nicholas Burton, an english merchant of London, through Sevill, to the place of his martyrdom Nov. 5. 1560-Grabado
GEV_50.pdf.jpg1780Th... there is a representation of the poisoning of king John by a monk of Swinsted Abbey in Linconshire, A.D. 1216.-Grabado
GEV_51.jpg.jpg1780The martyrdom of T.Lofeby, H. Ramfey, T. Thirtell, Marg. Hide, and Agnes Stanley, in Smithfield ; The martydom of Willm. Flower in St. Margaret's Church Yard, Wefminfier-Grabado
GEV_22.jpg.jpg1780Exécution des criminels condamnées par l'Inquisition = Ejecución de criminales condenados por la Inquisición.-Grabado
GEV_48.pdf.jpg1780The burning of Richd. Woodman, Geo. Stevens, Wm. Maynard, Alexr. Hosman, Tho. Wood, Margery Morris, Jas. Morris, Mrs. Ashdowne, Mrs. Gloves & Mrs. Burges at Lewes in Sussex ; Rose Allin's hand burnt with a candle by that monster of inhumanity Edmund Tyrrel-Grabado