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Ribelles Llop, Marta

Research Projects

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Profesor Adjunto


Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud / Departamento de OdontologĆ­a

University of origin



Search Results

Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
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    Efficacy of two behavioural management techniques during inferior alveolar nerve block administration in pre-school children: a randomised clinical trial2023-02

    Purpose: To evaluate and compare the efficacy of the hands-eyes-mouth distraction technique (HEM-DT) in reducing anxiety and pain levels and improving the behaviour of pre-school children during inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) administration to that of the covering patient's vision technique (CPV-T). Methods: This study included 52 children aged 3-5 years old with primary dentition, no history of receiving local anaesthesia, and whose treatments required an IANB. These children were randomly assigned into two groups: HEM-DT (G1; n = 26) and CPV-T (G2; n = 26). Anxiety and pain levels were assessed using the Facial Image Scale and the Wong-Baker Scale, respectively, while the patient's behaviour was evaluated using the Frankl Behaviour Scale. This study was divided into two sessions including the treatment session (administration of IANB) and the control session (7 days after anaesthesia). Chi-square test, the Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon test were used for statistical analyses. Results: The patients' anxiety levels did not increase 7 days after IANB in G1 (p value = 0.798); however, higher anxiety levels were observed in the G2 group (p value = 0.039). No significant differences in pain levels and behaviour were observed between the groups during administration of anaesthesia (p value > 0.005). Conclusion: HEM-DT and CPV-T showed efficacy in terms of pain and behaviour during IANB administration. Pre-school children in the HEM-DT group exhibited lower anxiety levels in the control session.

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    Dental erosion: etiologic factors in a sample of Valencian children and adolescents: cross-sectional study2019-09

    Aim: To establish the relationship between dental erosion prevalence in children aged 6-14 and all the aetiological factors that lead to the development of the lesions. Materials and methods: Study design: A correlational cross-sectional study of a sample of 400 Valencian children was conducted. First, a questionnaire was completed to analyse the patients' health status, their dietary and oral hygiene habits, the kind of school they attended and their parents' academic level. Then, a clinical exploration of the permanent dentition was done, calculating the BEWE index and the risk of erosion for each patient. Results: The prevalence of dental erosion of the studied sample was 22.3%. A positive correlation was observed between the presence of dental erosion and the frequent intake of fruit juices, carbonated and isotonic drinks (p<0.05), presenting a higher correlation if the liquid was kept in the mouth before swallowing. Aetiological factors such as the use of inhalers in patients with asthma (p=0.006), frequency of vomiting and regurgitation (p<0.001), frequent swimmers (p<0.001) or a low socioeconomic status (p<0.05) were also positively associated to the development of erosive lesions. Statistics: A descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed, using the Mann-Whitney U and the Kruskal-Wallis tests in the latter. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the frequent intake of fruit juices, carbonated and isotonic drinks, the use of inhalers and belonging to a low socioeconomic level family are factors positively associated to the development of erosive lesions.

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    Relaciones entre los estilos de crianza actuales, el empleo de las tĆ©cnicas de orientaciĆ³n del comportamiento y su enseƱanza en OdontopediatrĆ­a : revisiĆ³n bibliogrĆ”fica2022-02-08

    IntroducciĆ³n: Los cambios en los estilos de crianza de los Ćŗltimos 25 aƱos han llevado a desestimar en Odontopediatria algunas tĆ©cnicas de orientaciĆ³n conductual (TODC) clĆ”sicas porque los padres las consideran poco apropiadas para sus hijos. Esto ha generado cambios en los programas de formaciĆ³n en OdontopediatrĆ­a. Objetivo: Revisar las TODC mĆ”s empleadas actualmente por odontopediatras, las mĆ”s enseƱadas en los programas de OdontologĆ­a y la influencia de la aceptaciĆ³n parental en ello. Material y mĆ©todo: se realizĆ³ una revisiĆ³n descriptiva de la literatura. Para establecer la base documental, constituida por 42 artĆ­culos, se realizĆ³ una bĆŗsqueda en las bases de datos: Cochrane, SciElo, Medline y Google Academy. Resultados: La familia ha experimentado un proceso de transformaciĆ³n con nuevos modelos de relaciones familiares y de crianza. Aunque los odontopediatras reconocen que la crianza autoritativa es la que favorece un comportamiento mĆ”s positivo en el consultorio, perciben una tendencia parental hacia la permisividad. Eso ha favorecido que el empleo de algunas TODC clĆ”sicas, como control de voz o la estabilizaciĆ³n fĆ­sica activa haya disminuido y la formaciĆ³n y entrenamiento al respecto tambiĆ©n. Conclusiones: La formaciĆ³n de los odontopediatras estĆ” influenciada por el entorno socio-cultural y por aspectos Ć©tico-legales cambiantes. Ante la tendencia actual a un patrĆ³n de crianza mĆ”s permisivo las TODC mĆ”s enseƱadas en los programas de OdontopediatrĆ­a y, las mĆ”s empleadas por los odontopediatras son las de comunicaciĆ³n. Conocer el patrĆ³n de crianza parental puede orientar al profesional para sugerir las TODC mĆ”s adecuadas a cada entorno familiar.

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    Basic behavior guidance techniques a survey of members of the Spanish Society of Paediatric Dentistry2021-04-15

    Background: Over the last 20ā€“30 years social trends, educational and parenting patterns, and the ethical and legal factors guiding them have led to the revaluation and even abandonment of some traditionally used behavior guidance techniques (BGTs). Aims: To profile the professionals providing specialized pediatric treatments in Spain and understand changes in their preferences and use of basic BGTs, and the evolution of these preferences. Settings and Design: A crossā€‘sectional, descriptive, and correlational study was designed. Methods: One hundred and twentyā€‘six dentists completed a previously validated survey. Statistical Analysis: Descriptive statistics and Chiā€‘square tests were performed to analyze the questionnaire data. Results: The most common BGTs were ā€œTell/Show/Doā€ (98%) and positive reinforcement (92.1%), and the most abandoned BGT was: ā€œhandā€‘overā€‘mouthā€ (15%), because it was rejected by parents and because of potential legal problems and psychological consequences for the patients. Of note, 37% of the professionals allowed the patientā€™s parents to be present during the treatment. Conclusions: There has been a notable decrease in the use of certain BGTs in Spain, especially handā€‘overā€‘mouth and voice control, because they are becoming less socially acceptable as the way society relates to and educates children changes.

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    The use of "Lactobacillus reuteri" DSM 17938 and ATCC PTA 5289 on oral health indexes in a school population : a pilot randomized clinical trial2021-07-29

    To assess the effects of a probiotic upon oral health indices in adolescents and to establish relationships between these indices and dietary habits and oral hygiene. Twenty-seven adolescents between 12 and 18 years of age were randomized into two groups. The study group received tablets containing Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938/ATCC 5289 for 28 days, while the control group received tablets without any bacteria. Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus sp., and salivary pH were assessed at baseline and at 7, 14, 21, 28, and 45 days. The plaque, gingivitis, and bleeding indices were recorded at baseline and at 14, 28, and 45 days. Dietary and oral hygiene habits were also evaluated by means of a questionnaire. A less marked rise in S. mutans was recorded in the study group. Improvements were observed in terms of plaque, gingivitis, and bleeding, though statistical significance was not reached. Oral pH increased in the study group, though not to a significant degree. Poorer eating habits were significantly correlated to increased plaque. The study parameters decreased with the two strains of L. reuteri DSM 17938 and ATCC PTA 5289, though the results failed to reach statistical.

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    Flipped Classroon en prƔcticas de Ciencias de la Salud2020-07-16

    New pedagogical methodologies in the health sciences area could be necessary for trainees. Flipped Classroom or inverted classroom (FC) is a tool that offers greater autonomy for the student, as well as better knowledge assimilation. The main objective of this study was the achievement of basic skills for the application of knowledge, communication, and interpretation of relevant data to make judgments for health sciences students. The number of students participating in the study was 1103 (n=1103), all of them from different degrees such as dentistry, pharmacy, and nursing. Students were distributed in 2 study groups: Group A, application of masterclass methodologies (M), and Group B, Flipped Classroom (FC) or inverted classroom method. At the end of the practical sessions, a test was used to evaluate the students' knowledge acquisition and their degree of satisfaction with the teaching methodology. The obtained results showed a significant increase in the maximum number of correctly-answered questions and a greater degree of satisfaction from those students who attended the practical lessons taught using the FC method. As a conclusion, the application of the FC method in health sciences leads to better results in the acquisition of the course competencies than the masterclass methodologies. / La introducciĆ³n de nuevas metodologĆ­as pedagĆ³gicas en el Ć”mbito de ciencias de la salud es una herramienta necesaria para los alumnos en formaciĆ³n. Flipped Classroom o aula invertida (FC) es una herramienta que proporciona una mayor autonomĆ­a para el alumno, asĆ­ como una mayor asimilaciĆ³n de conocimientos. El objetivo principal del estudio fue la adquisiciĆ³n de competencias bĆ”sicas de aplicaciĆ³n de conocimientos, comunicaciĆ³n e interpretaciĆ³n de datos relevantes para emitir juicios en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud. Los participantes en el estudio fueron n=1103 estudiantes de odontologĆ­a, farmacia y enfermerĆ­a, los cuales se dividieron en 2 grupos de estudio; Grupo A, aplicaciĆ³n de metodologĆ­as de clases magistrales (M) y Grupo B aplicaciĆ³n aula invertida ā€œFlipped Classroomā€ (FC). Al final de las prĆ”cticas se realizĆ³ un cuestionario para la evaluaciĆ³n de la adquisiciĆ³n de conocimientos y el grado de satisfacciĆ³n. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron un aumento significativo en el mĆ”ximo nĆŗmero de preguntas correctamente contestadas (FC) y un mayor grado de satisfacciĆ³n de los alumnos que realizaron las prĆ”cticas mediante FC. Como conlusiĆ³n podrĆ­amos indicar que la aplicaciĆ³n de FC en ciencias de la salud presenta mejores resultados en la adquisiciĆ³n de conocimientos que las metodologĆ­as didĆ”cticas magistrales.

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    PulpotomĆ­a en denticiĆ³n primaria un anĆ”lisis bibliomĆ©trico de 57 aƱos2022-01-08

    IntroducciĆ³n: La pulpotomĆ­a es el tratamiento pulpar mĆ”s frecuentemente realizado en denticiĆ³n primaria pero aĆŗn no se ha elaborado un anĆ”lisis bibliomĆ©trico de la literatura cientĆ­fica publicada al respecto. Objetivo: Conocer el desarrollo de los artĆ­culos publicados sobre pulpotomĆ­a en dientes primarios desde 1960 hasta el 2017. Material y mĆ©todos: Se realizĆ³ una bĆŗsqueda bibliogrĆ”fica electrĆ³nica incluyendo artĆ­culos en inglĆ©s, disponibles a texto completo en versiĆ³n electrĆ³nica. Los indicadores bibliomĆ©tricos analizados fueron: distribuciĆ³n cronolĆ³gica de los documentos, productividad por revistas, por autores, por paĆ­ses, por instituciones, por tipo de artĆ­culo, por contenido temĆ”tico, nĆŗmero de autores/artĆ­culo, nĆŗmero de citas recibidas/artĆ­culo y nĆŗmero de referencias bibliogrĆ”ficas empleadas/artĆ­culo. Resultados: Se incluyeron 204 artĆ­culos publicados en 39 revistas, sĆ³lo un tercio especializadas en odontopediatrĆ­a. El 80,23% de los primeros firmantes estaba vinculado a una universidad. El nĆŗmero medio de autores/artĆ­culo fue de 2,85 de 30 paĆ­ses diferentes. El 50% de los trabajos fueron estudios clĆ­nicos no aleatorizados y el 82,84% buscĆ³ el mejor material para tratar la pulpa radicular remanente. Los paĆ­ses con mayor nĆŗmero de publicaciones fueron Estados Unidos (n=40) e India (n=38). Conclusiones: La producciĆ³n de artĆ­culos sobre pulpotomĆ­a en denticiĆ³n primaria y el nĆŗmero de revistas donde fueron publicados aumentĆ³ progresivamente en las dĆ©cadas estudiadas, asĆ­ como el nĆŗmero de autores firmantes. Predominaron los estudios clĆ­nicos buscando la mejor alternativa para tratar la pulpa remanente. El principal lugar de investigaciĆ³n fueron las universidades. Los paises emergentes han ganado protagonismo en la producciĆ³n cientĆ­fica mundial sobre el tema analizado.

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    Influencia de la saliva en la erosiĆ³n dental en niƱos : estudio transversal2021-07-11

    IntroducciĆ³n: La erosiĆ³n dental es la pĆ©rdida patolĆ³gica, crĆ³nica, localizada e indolora de los tejidos dentarios duros, producido por la acciĆ³n quĆ­mica de Ć”cidos, donde no estĆ” involucrada la acciĆ³n de microorganismos. En los Ćŗltimos aƱos se ha observado un incremento significativo de la prevalencia de esta patologĆ­a, especialmente en niƱos y adolescentes. El objetivo fue establecer la relaciĆ³n del flujo, el pH y la capacidad buffer de la saliva estimulada con el desarrollo de erosiĆ³n dental en una muestra de 400 niƱos valencianos de edades comprendidas entre 6 y 14 aƱos. Material y mĆ©todos: Se realizĆ³ un estudio transversal. Mediante una exploraciĆ³n clĆ­nica se determinĆ³ con el Ć­ndice BEWE la presencia o no de erosiĆ³n en cada paciente, asĆ­ como la gravedad en caso de ser detectada. AdemĆ”s, se determinĆ³ el flujo de saliva estimulado, la capacidad buffer y el pH salival. Resultados: La prevalencia de erosiĆ³n dental en la muestra estudiada fue del 22,3%. Se observĆ³ que los pacientes con un pH moderadamente Ć”cido presentaron un mayor Ć­ndice BEWE (p<0,001). AdemĆ”s, cuanto menor fue la capacidad buffer salival menor fue la gravedad de las lesiones erosivas presentes (p<0,001) en los pacientes. No se pudo establecer una relaciĆ³n positiva entre el flujo salival y el Ć­ndice BEWE. DiscusiĆ³n: Una baja capacidad buffer, asĆ­ como un pH moderadamente Ć”cido salival parecen ser factores asociados positivamente con el desarrollo de lesiones erosivas.