Martínez Martínez, Miryam
Research Projects
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- Awakenings: An Authentic Leadership Development Program to Break the Glass Ceiling
2021-07-05 Companies are vital agents in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. One key role that businesses can play in achieving the 5th Sustainable Development Goal on gender equality is implementing training programs for their women executives so they can reach top corporate leadership positions. In this paper, we test the effectiveness of an Authentic Leadership Development (ALD) program for women executives. By interviewing 32 participants from this ALD program and building on authentic leadership theory, we find that this program lifts women participants’ self-efficacy perception, as well as their self-resolution to take control of their careers. The driver for both results is a reflective thinking process elicited during the program that leads women to abandon the stereotype of a low status role and lack of self-direction over time. Through the relational authenticity developed during the program, women participants develop leadership styles that are more congenial with their gender group, yet highly accepted by the in-group leader members, which enhances their social capital. After the program, the women participants flourished as authentic leaders, were able to activate and foster their self-esteem and social capital, and enhanced their agency in career advancement, increasing their likelihood of breaking the glass ceiling.
- Explaining the gender gap in school principalship: A tale of two sides
2021 This study sheds light on the underrepresentation of women as school principals by analysing which model (organisational or individual) is most identified with the gender differences in the quality of management found in favour of women principals. To do so, this study presents a model for the appointment of school heads in a two-sided market: demand and supply. On the demand side (organisational model), the presence of double standards, with respect to the promotion of women, would imply that higher bars are set for the evaluation of women. Alternatively, on the supply side (individual model), a potential lower self-efficacy perception among women could lead them to self-exclude from managerial positions. In both cases, the findings reveal only highly-skilled females as principals and a gender gap in principal positions. By using the World Management Survey (WMS), data indicate that female principals are associated with higher management quality, which confirms the presence of barriers to female promotion. Exploration of the market side responsible for these barriers found that only the demand side is significant, which signals the double-standard argument. This supports the argument that changes in the principal selection process should be implemented for the maximisation of the available pool of talent.
- Perpetuating Gender Inequality via the Internet? An Analysis of Women’s Presence in Spanish Online Newspapers
2014-01 This study examines women's representation in Spanish national online newspapers. For this purpose, we developed an automatic content analysis method to analyze an extensive sample of 34,235 news articles gathered from March to May 2006. Our general objective was to investigate possible gender bias in Spanish online news. To do so we focused on three journalistic routines, one at the individual level of the reporter (gender) and two at the media routine level (sections, publication day, and article length). The results of the estimated multivariate models revealed that women are still linked to traditionally 'female' sections, such as people, society, and culture. Analysis of article length and publication day showed that women appear more frequently in shorter news items and in the Sunday news, which we interpreted as indicators of male association with newsworthiness. We also found differences in gender reporting since female journalists tend to include more women in the news they report than their male peers. These results provide evidence that online newspapers continue to perpetuate underrepresentation, stereotyping, and discrimination of women in web news thereby reinforcing gender inequality.
- I am done with this! Women dropping out of engineering majors
2022-08-12 Women are still underrepresented in STEM careers (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). One of the possible drivers behind this gender gap in the labour market is the female dropout from STEM education. The causes of the gender differences in the persistence of pursuing STEM studies have been explained by multiple factors related to interest and resolution in this type of career. The goal of the present research is to study the Engineering persistence gender gap in higher education by exploring the main factors underlying the leakage in the pipeline of Engineering fields. Our study reports the results of 34 qualitative in-depth interviews where internal barriers, stereotypes and external obstacles are assessed by women who have left their university degrees, compared with men who have withdrawn and women who have persisted. Results from the content analysis suggest that the undermining of persistence in Engineering fields is related to factors such as the chilly and hostile environment in classes or the workload from an excessively demanding curriculum. Other factors affecting women’s withdrawal are the lack of role models and the perceived incongruity between the female gender role and STEM roles in society, leading to a weakening of female students’ self-efficacy and eroding their sense of belongingness, even making them consider dropping out of their Engineering degree. These findings provide information for the design of future STEM interventions aimed to enhance women’s persistence in STEM university studies.
- Climbing the Ladder: An Authentic Leadership Program Boosting Adolescent Girls’ Potential
2024-12-16 This study explores the realm of authentic leadership theory to examine how female teenagers can enhance relational authenticity and develop authentic leadership skills through a specialized program. Employing multigroup Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), we assess the impact of this leadership intervention on female teenagers, comparing pre- and postintervention results. Additionally, we contrasted the outcomes of program participants with those of same-aged, nonparticipating students from similar backgrounds. The analysis revealed a significant increase in the scores for the four constructs of authentic leadership among the program’s participants. Notably, their academic grades also improved post-intervention. Focusing on high school females aged 16 years and above, the study addresses a critical age for developing selfperception of competence and confidence. The persistent underrepresentation of females in leadership roles underscores the necessity for early interventions like this one. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how a leadership program can positively influence the development of authentic leadership skills among participants, while also observing enhancements in academic achievement following this particular intervention.