Dpto. Matemáticas, Física y Ciencias Tecnológicas

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10637/10408

Search Results

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    Modelling time-variable green hydrogen production with a PEM electrolyser coupled with photovoltaic energy2024-10-11

    This study explores hydrogen production through the integration of photovoltaic (PV) technology and electrolysers across diverse European locations. Employing an optimization algorithm, the optimal PV field power can be determined to minimize energy wastage and maximize hydrogen production. The model accounts for PV energy losses due to deficiency and excess in electrolyser operation. The results highlight location-dependent PV power ratio, ranging from 1.2 to 1.9 times the electrolyser power. Incorporating PEM stack degradation, estimated at 0.5% per 1000 operating hours, our model calculates a hydrogen massto-solar-energy ratio, varying from nearly 17 g/kWhPV for large-scale systems in optimal locations to under 13 g/kWhPV for small-scale electrolysers in challenging environments. In conclusion, annual hydrogen production averages approximately 40 tonnes per megawatt of electrolyser capacity when coupled with a optimal sized PV powerplant in south Spain.

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    Cómo extraer áreas de oportunidad para diseñar proyectos STEAM a partir del currículum de Primaria2021-12-16

    Los cambios sociales y tecnológicos del siglo XXI plantean la necesidad de redefinir el modelo de enseñanza de forma que el desarrollo de las capacidades relacionadas con la creatividad y la innovación esté unido a la adquisición de competencias científico-técnicas para que los estudiantes actuales sean capaces de resolver los retos inciertos del futuro. El aprendizaje STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) es uno de los modelos que trata de dar respuesta a este reto. Sin embargo, los currículos nacionales no están adaptados a este modelo de aprendizaje, lo que imposibilita la inclusión de este tipo de metodologías en el aula. El presente libro presenta un análisis del currículo de Primaria/secundaria/bachillerato que permite detectar las áreas de oportunidad, pertenecientes a una disciplina STEAM, que reúnen las condiciones necesarias para ser el tema principal de un proyecto de aprendizaje, es decir, susceptibles de ser generadoras de proyectos STEAM. Con ello, se espera motivar e incentivar la inclusión de proyectos STEAM en las aulas españolas.

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    Curriculum analysis and design, implementation, and validation of a STEAM project through educational robotics in primary education2021-01

    Technological changes pose the need to redefine educational models, incorporating programs, and methodologies, so that students acquire the scientific-technological competencies required in today's society. The objective of the research is aimed at establishing a generic method to develop STEAM projects, which are consistent with current curricula and at experimentally testing its validity by developing a STEAM project for a Primary Education class. As an example, and without loss of generality, the method proposed in this article is used to develop STEAM projects from the curriculum in the 4th, 5th, and 6th year of Primary Education in Spain. As a result, 11 areas of opportunity were detected, understood as areas that meet the necessary conditions to become the main theme of a STEAM project, and from which the “Sustainability” area was selected to develop a STEAM project. The project consists of an educational robotics kit, including a board that simulates a city and a robot programmed to travel on the board and activate the different elements that will make it a sustainable city. This first experience was carried out in a classroom with 30 students of 5th year, who showed great interest in the project and achieved a very satisfactory performance.

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    Operating strategies of a multi-stack PEM electrolyser for renewable hydrogen generation2023-12

    This article proposes a methodology for the definition of operating strategies of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) multi-stack electrolyser, using a dynamic model that allows obtaining data on the evolution of electrochemical and thermal parameters of the stacks and the electrolyser. The simulation results of three operating strategies of the electrolyser, coupled to an existing photovoltaic plant, are presented, considering efficiency, degradation and hydrogen production aspects. A daisy chain power allocation strategy presents promising results regarding average hydrogen production rate and minimum number of operating hours. This and other possible operating strategies will be later validated by integrating the electrolyser into an experimental microgrid.

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    Design process and advanced manufacturing of an aquatic surface vehicle hull for the integration of a hydrogen power plant propulsion system2024-02-01

    This article presents the design and manufacturing of a hydrogen-powered unmanned aquatic surface vehicle (USV) hull. The design process comprised three stages: (1) defining the requirements for a preliminary geometry, (2) verifying the hydrodynamic hull performance using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, and (3) experimentally validating the hydrodynamic hull performance and CFD analysis results through experimental fluid dynamics in a calm water towing tank. The manufacturing process utilized additive manufacturing technologies, such as fused granular fabrication and selective laser sintering, to produce the hull and other components, including the propeller and the rudder; thermoplastic materials with carbon fiber reinforcement were employed. The experimental results demonstrate that the optimized trimaran hull exhibited low hydrodynamic resistance (7.5 N), high stability, and a smooth flow around the hull (up to 2 m/s). The design and manufacturing of the USV hull met expectations from both hydrodynamic and structural perspectives, and future work was outlined to integrate a power plant, navigation system, and scientific equipment.

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    Influence of statin potency and liposolubility on Alzheimer’s disease patients: a population-based study2024-11

    Although Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cause is still unknown, there are several known risk factors, such as dyslipidemia. Statins are the most prescribed lipid-modifying therapies. Recent research has suggested a relationship between statins and AD, nevertheless, their ability to prevent AD is still unclear. Therefore, this cross-sectional study aimed to examine the relationship between statin use and anti-AD drug prescription. For that purpose, a database containing information on medications prescribed to patients aged 50 years or older (n = 233183) between 2018 and 2020 was used. Defined daily doses (DDDs) were calculated according to the ATC/DDD index 2023. Statistical analyses, with logistic regression and cumulative incidence, were carried out to assess statins and anti-AD drug consumption. As a result, a total of 47852 patients aged more than 70 years who were prescribed at least one antihypertensive, antidiabetic or lipid-modifying agent were included in the study. Of these, 45345 patients were classified within the cardiovascular risk group and 2483 were classified as patients with only hyperlipidemia. Patients using low-potency or hydrophilic statins had lower odds of anti-AD usage when compared to high-potency or lipophilic statins, respectively. Similarly, rosuvastatin and pitavastatin had lower odds of anti-AD medication intake when compared to atorvastatin. Finally, pitavastatin DDDs were prone to lower the odds of anti-AD medication usage when compared to rosuvastatin. In conclusion, a potential association between statins and the intake of AD medication has been observed. Specifically, low-potency (pitavastatin) and hydrophilic (rosuvastatin) statins were associated with less use of anti-AD medication.

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    Retrospective review of the group research (2015-2024): from the Miniterms to the I3oT (Industrializable Industrial Internet of Things)2024

    This document aims to make a retrospective of our work in the Ford research group in collaboration with researchers from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University and the University of Valencia. The research group originated from the doctoral thesis by Eduardo García Magraner and his thesis was directed by Nicolás Montés in 2016. The Mini-terms were formulated for the first time in this thesis. From then on, the research group grew as the mini-terms began to consolidate both industrially and scientifically. At industrial level we were provided with a CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) which made it possible to massify the mini-terms at Ford factory in Valencia and at scientific level we attended different congresses. Especially relevant was ICINCO 2018 since the concept of the mini-terms could be presented to the programme chair of the congress, Oleg Gusikhin, (Global Data Insight & Analytics, Ford Motor Company, United States). His support led to the consolidation of the mini-terms through their standardization within Ford and also the consolidation of the group through the inclusion of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University in the URP (University Research Program). The success of Eduardo García’s doctoral thesis motivated the Foundation for Development and Innovation (FDI) to decide to fund doctoral theses within Ford, financing a thesis in collaboration with the University of Valencia and another one with the CEU Cardenal Herrera University. Moreover, Eduardo García’s thesis motivated the staff of the plant to take the step to carry out doctoral theses, funded by the INNODOCTO programme of the Generalitat Valenciana. Throughout this journey different awards have been won such as the Henry Ford Technology Awards in 2019, the Factories of the Future Awards in 2021, the Global Manufacturing Technical Excellence Award in 2023 and the Angel Herrera Award for the best research work in 2024. Twenty-four communications have been made to congresses, ICINCO being the congress with the highest number of communications. In particular, at ICINCO 2020, one of these articles was selected as the Best Industrial Paper Award. Thirteen articles have been published in indexed journals with an impact index and also three book chapters. This document aims at reviewing the different tools and concepts developed and introduced by the research group as well as trying to define its objective.

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    Real‐time solving of dynamic problem in industrial robots2011-03-08

    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the development and validation of a methodology which allows modeling and solving the inverse and direct dynamic problem in real time in robot manipulators. Design/methodology/approach: The robot dynamic equation is based on the Gibbs‐Appell equation of motion, yielding a well‐structured set of equations that can be computed in real time. This paper deals with the implementation and calculation of the inverse and direct dynamic problem in robots, with an application to the real‐time control of a PUMA 560 industrial robot provided with an open control architecture based on an industrial personal computer. Findings: The experimental results show the validity of the dynamic model and that the proposed resolution method for the dynamic problem in real time is suitable for control purposes. Research limitations/implications: The accuracy of the applied friction model determines the accuracy of the identified overall model and consequently of the control. This is especially obvious in the case of the PUMA 560 robot, in which the presence of friction is remarkable in some of their joints. Hence, future work should focus on identifying a more precise friction model. The robot model could also be extended by incorporating rotor dynamics and could be applied for different robot configurations as parallel robots. Originality/value: Gibbs‐Appell equations are used in order to develop the robotic manipulator dynamic model, instead of more usual dynamics formulations, due to several advantages that these exhibit. The obtained non‐physical identified parameters are adapted in order to enable their use in a control algorithm.